Photo 4

Window cleaning
Room cleaning
Territory cleaning
Cleaning of hard floor coverings


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Business data

  • EUR 159666 / 2023
  • 9
  • Service provider

Legal data

  1. 48503015892
  2. LV48503015892
  3. 17.09.2009
  4. 17.09.2009
  5. Skrundas iela 31A, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801


Working with professional tools and equipment for more than 10 years, we are able to provide a wide range of room cleaning services - starting with window washing, ending with different types of floor coverings and furniture cleaning.



  • Window cleaning
  • Territory and premises cleaning
  • Cleaning of hard floor coverings
  • Cleaning of soft floor coverings and furniture



Spring-cleaning, cleaning, housing, office etc. space spring and daily cleaning, Cleaning services, household services,
room cleaning, territory, territory cleaning, window washing,
carpet and upholstered furniture cleaning. Soft flooring cleaning.
House, apartment, office etc. space spring and daily cleaning.
Window cleaning. Carpet and upholstered furniture cleaning. Cleaning service Saldus,
maintenance Saldus, window cleaning, cleaning of hard floor coverings.
