Akadēmiskā histoloģijas laboratorija, LTD

Akadēmiskā histoloģijas laboratorija, LTD


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1700
  • Tue800-1700
  • Wed800-1700
  • Thu800-1700
  • Fri800-1700
  • Sat-
  • Material acceptance every working day from 8:00-15:00

Business data

  • EUR 2106315 / 2023
  • 33

Legal data

  1. 50003514371
  2. LV50003514371
  3. 18.10.2000
  4. Ilūkstes iela 45, Rīga, LV-1073
  5. 2023


LTD "Akadēmiskā histoloģijas laboratorija" is an independent histology laboratory that performs histological examination of human-derived material, provides consulting services and participates in research. Clients of the laboratory are outpatient and inpatient medical facilities that perform operations and biopsy material collection. The laboratory is equipped with modern and appropriate technologies that ensure maximum speed and quality preparation of preparations and provision of investigation results. Appropriately qualified and certified personnel work in the laboratory.
LTD "Akadēmiskā histoloģijas laboratorija" a quality management system has been established, implemented and maintained in accordance with the LVS EN ISO 15189 standard "Medicīnas laboratorijas. Kvalitātes un kompetences prasības" . The laboratory is the first accredited histology laboratory in Latvia. The laboratory regularly participates in the quality monitoring program in pathohistology, organized by Labquality from Finland, with good results.

The laboratory provides the following services::

  • we provide professional and high-quality histological examination of tissues;
  • providing examinations based on experience, skills and knowledge, especially in urology, gastroenterology, gynecology and dermatology;
  • we perform diagnostics of autoimmune bullous dermatoses using the immunohistochemistry method( IgG, IgM, IgA and C3 antibodies) ;
  • we review, consult and provide a second opinion on preparations;
  • we perform differential diagnosis of tumors using the immunohistochemistry method;
  • we detect H.pylori in the mucous membrane of the stomach using histochemistry and immunohistochemistry;
  • we consult samples and perform additional tests in recognized foreign laboratories;
  • we provide consultations on various histology issues;
  • participate in research work.



Akadēmiskā histoloģijas laboratorija, histology laboratory, laboratory, histological examination of the material, consultative services, outpatient treatment facility, tissue histological examination, review of preparations, differential diagnosis, immunohistochemistry method, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry
