Akmens Carnik, Sole proprietorship

Akmens Carnik, Sole proprietorship

Photo 20

Production of monuments
Production of monuments
Stone processing
Production of monuments
Stone articles
Stone articles
Production of monuments
Stone curbs
Stone curbs
Stone processing
Stone processing
Funeral services
Funeral services
Funeral services


  1. +371 26012807
  2. +371 27068867
  3. lcareva@inbox.lv


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Working time

  • Sun0000-2400
  • Mon0000-2400
  • Tue0000-2400
  • Wed0000-2400
  • Thu0000-2400
  • Fri0000-2400
  • Sat0000-2400

Business data

  • Service provider, Producer, Distributor

Legal data

  1. 43202005290
  2. 31.07.1996
  3. Tilta iela 25, Gulbene, Gulbenes nov., LV-4401
  4. 1


Funeral services, funeral services throughout Latvia, 24-hour funeral home, grave digging, Coffin making, monument making, grave edges, steps.



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service, full range of funeral services, consultations,
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funeral masters, pastors, funeral feast, deceased transportation to/from abroad,
hearse, hearses, hearse Mersedes-Benz, zinc coffin, wooden coffin,
grave candles, various faith pastors, coffins, crosses, cremation,
urns, wreaths, grave care, care, funeral ceremony, cemetery,
graves, Stone Carnik. Grave improvement, engraving in cemetery, private morgue.
Coffin making, production of monuments, grave curbs, benches,
benches, stone engraving, stone engraving in Gulbene, stone processing in Gulbene,
gravestones in Gulbene.