
  • 10 in august 2020, 10:10

    ❝Profesionāla attieksme un snniegtie pakalpojumi❞

  • 18 in october 2022, 11:23

    ❝ļoti laba vet klīnika Olainē!❞

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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon1000-1800
  • Tue1000-1800
  • Wed1000-1800
  • Thu1000-1800
  • Fri1000-1800
  • Sat1000-1300

Business data

  • EUR 47249 / 2023
  • EUR 41929 / 2021
  • 2
  • Service provider, Distributor

Legal data

  1. 43603056444
  2. LV43603056444
  3. 26.11.2012
  4. 26.11.2012
  5. Paula Lejiņa iela 5 – 10, Jelgava, LV-3004
  6. 2023

About us

Each of us feels true joy of life and peace of mind only when everyone in the family is healthy, including our family's pets - pets. In turn, we are satisfied by every patient who has regained health. The biggest reward in our work is the animal's gaze, which no longer shows pain. The call of our lives has become our mission - to take care of animal health, using the most advanced treatment methods that correspond to the individual situation of each animal. We are united by the belief that the pet owners and the veterinarian together form a strong team that allows your pets to live a happy life.

"all4pets" services

  • Therapy and identification;
  • Animal vaccination;
  • Laboratory tests;
  • Animal surgery;
  • Animal dentistry;
  • Veterinarian's home visit;
  • Food for animals;
  • Medication for animals


In addition

In the consulting pharmacy of the Veterinary Clinic it is possible to buy various types of animal feed, vitamin and mineral preparations. We also offer several types of antiparasitic products, skin and hair enhancers, bone and joint supplements, supplements to strengthen and improve health.


Veterinary clinic, therapy, vaccination, identification, laboratory tests, surgery, stomatology, sterilization, home visits,
microchips. Veterinary, vet, vets, veterinary dentistry, veterinarian, veterinarians, Veterinary pharmacy, Food,
vitamins, minerals, antiparasitic products for pets, for dogs, for cats, rodents, drugs, Anti-parasite products, Professional diabetic animal feed, food for animals, for pets, Dog food, food for cats, food for rodents, Royal Canin, TROVET, RRINS, Accessories for pets, Leashes, muzzles, collars, Inventory, Bowls, bed places, bags, toys, cages for transportation, Care products, Veterinarian in Riga, vet in Riga, Veterinary pharmacy in riga, Veterinary clinic in Riga, Zoo goods, Animal vaccination, Laboratory tests, Animal surgery, Animal dentistry, Medication for animals.


