- +371 26612564MonTueWedThuFriSatSun(0-24)
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Working time
- Sun-
- Mon900-1800
- Tue900-1800
- Wed900-1800
- Thu900-1800
- Fri900-1800
- Sat900-1500
Business data
- EUR 25222 / 2024
- 5
- Service provider
Legal data
- 42103053790
- LV42103053790
- 18.02.2011
- 18.02.2011
- Kungu iela 41 – 6, Liepāja, LV-3401
We offer various types of services, services and parts for cars and commercial vehicles in Liepaja.
- Tire change and repair for cars
- Tire change and repair for commercial vehicles( for trucks)
- Sale of tyres
- Running gear repair
- Brake stand
- Exhaust-pipe repair
- Wheel geometry adjustment
- Engine timing belt change
- Car welding works
- Body and engine repair
- Diesel motor repair
- Car electrician services
- Alarm installation and repair
- Windshield change
- Spare parts sale
- Off-season tyre storage
- Car washing by hands
- Dry cleaning
Car service station, sale of tyres, tyre change, running gear repair, brake stand, exhaust-pipe repair, tire change and repair of cars, wheel geometry adjustment( toe-out) car electrician, car welding works,
body and engine repair, diesel motor repair, car washing, car dry cleaning, wheel adjustment, car alarm. Brake repair, preparation for technical inspection, generator repair, repair of starters, glass change, windshield change. Headlight adjustment, exhaust emission test, alignment, installation of towing hook, car trailer repair, timing belt change. Running gear repair, brake stand, exhaust-pipe repair, wheel geometry adjustment, engine timing belt change, car welding works, body and engine repair, diesel motor repair, autoelectric service for installing alarms, alarm repair, windshield change, spare parts, spare parts sale.