Anipsis, LTD
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Working time
- Sun-
- Mon700-1600
- Tue700-1600
- Wed700-1600
- Thu700-1600
- Fri700-1600
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Business data
- EUR 158992 / 2023
- 7
Legal data
- 40003008595
- LV40003008595
- "SEB banka", Vidzemes filiāle
- LV21UNLA0034101263100
- 01.07.1991
- 01.07.2004
Sawmill in Riga. Lumber production and trade. Antiseptic, planing. Wood products.
Timber, beams, boards, boards, laths, impregnated boards, impregnated timber, timber antiseptization, timber antiseption, timber impregnation, planed boards, boards, timber digging, calibration, timber calibration, sawed boards, boards not sawn, planing, timber for construction, timber production, sawmill, sawmill in Riga, firewood, fuel wood, chopped firewood, deciduous tree wood, coniferous tree firewood, firewood, wood products, wooden greenhouse, wooden fence.