Photo 10

Song festivals and the development of national costumes in Latvia at the end of 19th century. and the 20th. century. Anete Karlsone
Ojārs Zanders. Etudes in three centuries of Latvian book publishing. 18th-20th century.
DIŽDUNDAGA. Reflections on Dundaga County. Comp. Janīna Kursīte
Laimonis Siliņš and San Francisco Little Theater. Viktors Hausmanis
Actors about cinema Andris Bernāts
The noble people of the Northland: The image of Finland in the Latvian press 1822-1945. Anna Velēda Žīgure
Don Juan returns. VA. Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni"  18. century communication space. Deniss Hanovs
Laughter at the turn of the century/ Le rire fin de siecle. Comp. Simona Sofija Valke, Pauls Daija, Nadege Langbour
Edvarts Virza. Articles,  6. vol. Comp. Anda Kubuliņa
The impact of migration on the language environment in Latvia Latvian Language Agency.


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"Apgāds zinātne" publishes dictionaries, monographs and reflections on Latvian history, folklore, ethnography, Latvian literature, language, art, economy, excellent works of ancient thinkers, research in social sciences. "Apgāds zinātne" is a member of the Latvian Book Publishers Association.


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  • Latvian architectural and artistic monuments
  • Folklore library
  • Regional folklore
  • Personality and creativity
  • Studies of Latvian basic texts
  • Cultural and historical publications
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Folklore, literary studies, history of theater, social sciences, history, ethnography, ancient literature, linguistics, book trade, bookshop, publishing house, publishing houses, publishing house, articles, publication in series, Latvian architectural and artistic monuments, folklore library, regional folklore, personality and creativity, studies of Latvian basic texts, cultural and historical publications, literary studies, folklore, mythology, philosophy, fiction, history of theater, medicine, theology, educational literature, social sciences, politics, archeology, ethnography, linguistics, ancient literature, children's books, history, electronic books, dictionaries, monographs, reflections on the history of Latvia, folklore, ethnography, latvian literature, language, art, economy, research in social sciences, volumes, research articles, costs.

