Arhitektu birojs MG arhitekti, LTD

Arhitektu birojs MG arhitekti, LTD

Photo 9

Arhitektu birojs MG arhitekti
Arhitektu birojs MG arhitekti
design solution
renewal of room groups
Recreation complex project
Recreation complex project
design solution


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Business data

  • EUR 112665 / 2023
  • 5

Legal data

  1. 40103494972
  2. LV40103494972
  3. 27.12.2011
  4. 27.12.2011
  5. Aleksandra Grīna bulvāris 7 – 20, Rīga, LV-1002
  6. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Arhitekta prakse
  2. 9446-R
  3. Aktīvs


The office offers an architectural, design, as well as interior and design solution, develops projects for the reconstruction of new buildings, groups of buildings or premises, renovations of buildings or groups of premises, and environmental objects.



Architecture, designing, architectural firm, interior solution, design solution, Implementation of the project, projects, environmental objects, renewal of room groups, reconstruction of room groups.
