ASM Baltic, UAB


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  1. LT100001913714
  2. AB Swedbank


UAB "ASM Baltic" esanti šiaurės miestelyje atlieka starterių, generatorių remontą. Prekiaujame starterių, generatorių atsarginėmis dalimis (AS prekes ženklas), apsaugos ir parkavimo sistemomis, ksenoniniais žibintais.


spare parts for lorries, retail trade, generators, anchors, windings, bendexes, brushes, relays controllers, attraction relays, rotors, electrical equipment parts, fuses, of minibuses, of trucks, of constructive technique, spec. techniques, generator repairs, diagnostic. Service, starter motor, generators, ancher, winding, bendex, relay controller, controller, attraction relay, magnet for attraction, plate of diodes, diodes bridge, stator, rotor, safeguard, bulb, generator charging, pulley, clutch, contacts, reducer, auto -electrician, xenon, xenon lights, security systems, parking systems, motor, repair of motor, oven