Photo 8

Banquet table setting, off-site catering
Buns on the banquet table. Catering at parties, anniversaries, conferences
Packed lunch for a good price
Daily cafe in Riga. Great place, where to eat!
Daily cakes and other confectionery
Cafe Daily lete. Manufacture of culinary and confectionery products, trade
Daily salad. Catering services in Riga, In Latvia, In Estonia
Lunch restaurants, canteens and cafes( Dunte Hall)


  • 22 in may 2020, 11:24

    ❝Lieliska apkalpošana❞

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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1730
  • Tue900-1730
  • Wed900-1730
  • Thu900-1730
  • Fri900-1730
  • Sat-
  • See the current information on the website

Business data

  • EUR 28522256 / 2023
  • 424
  • Central/East Europe
  • Distributor, Service provider

Legal data

  1. 40003556833
  2. LV40003556833
  3. "SEB banka"
  4. LV31UNLA0050000481510
  5. 07.08.2001
  6. Elizabetes iela 20, Rīga, LV-1050

About the company

"Baltic Restaurants" unites more than 180 lunch restaurants, canteens and cafes in Latvia and Estonia. The company has been operating since 1993. year and during this time has become the leading provider of catering services in educational institutions, companies and state institutions in the Baltics. "Baltic Restaurants" more than 1,000 employees work, the annual turnover exceeds 24 million euros and 40 thousand people are deliciously fed every day. In addition to the opportunity to have a full-fledged lunch on site in restaurants or cafes, the company also offers food and drink delivery to the place indicated by the customer. In addition, lunch delivery to companies takes place not only in cities, but also at sports events, concerts and various facilities outside them.

Operational deviations:

  • cafes, restaurants and canteens
  • meals in schools, kindergartens, care institutions
  • food delivery
  • banquet service
  • catering for big events
  • subway franchise
  • pastries made ​​to order



"Baltic Restaurants" has 20 years of experience in organizing banquets of various scales and budgets. Therefore, the company is able to take care of the entire service complex, starting with food and ending with flowers or other room decorations. Email for communication:


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