Photo 5

Swedish cottages
Production of Swedish cottages
Easy to install two-story wooden house
Comfortable wooden house
Beautiful model home


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1700
  • Tue800-1700
  • Wed800-1700
  • Thu800-1700
  • Fri800-1700
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 2734445 / 2023
  • 28
  • Service provider

Legal data

  1. 40003153513
  2. LV40003153513
  3. 05.10.1993
  4. 02.06.2004
  5. Zārdu iela 2A, Rīga, LV-1083

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ēku būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. 3107-R
  3. Aktīvs

Under construction with DHG CONSTRUCTION

A home-grown construction management company with roots in Sweden and an extensive portfolio in Eastern Europe.

We are engaged in the design and construction of gas stations, as well as general construction and repair work, installation and maintenance of refrigeration equipment and ventilation systems.


Our services

  • Fuel filling stations
  • General construction
  • Refrigeration and ventilation systems
  • "Zviedru mājiņas"



Fuel filling station construction and maintenance, general construction and repair works, refrigeration and ventilation system installation and service, design and consultant services, fuel filling stations, construction supervision, swedish cottages "Attefallshus", wooden houses, compact residential houses, production, installation, trade and service premises, industrial and public facilities, residential and office buildings - construction, renovation, real estate administration.
