Photo 5

Electrical assembly works and electrical materials
Electrical assembly works and electrical materials
Electrical assembly works and electrical materials
Electrical assembly works and electrical materials
Electrical assembly works and electrical materials


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1700
  • Tue900-1700
  • Wed900-1700
  • Thu900-1700
  • Fri900-1700
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 1014190 / 2024
  • 14

Legal data

  1. 40003880170
  2. LV40003880170
  3. 07.12.2006
  4. 07.12.2006
  5. "Putni", Ciemupe, Ogresgala pag., Ogres nov., LV-5001
  6. 2024

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Elektroietaišu izbūves darbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. 4575-R
  3. Aktīvs


LTD "EdAn ELEKTRO" offers a comprehensive range of services in low current, 0.4 kV and medium voltage systems. We install security alarms, video surveillance, fire alarms, telephony internal and external networks, perform design and maintenance work. We also perform electrical installation work in power and lighting equipment, install cable and overhead power supply, electricity commercial accounting, street lighting and automation equipment.

