Photo 19

National blankets
National blankets
National blankets
Wooden and metal urns
Wooden and metal urns
Transport services
Transport services
Wooden coffins, sarcophagus
Wooden coffins, sarcophagus
Wooden coffins, sarcophagus
Wooden coffins, sarcophagus


  1. +371 67628881MonTueWedThuFriSatSun(0-24)
  3. +371 29510356


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Business data

  • EUR 132919 / 2023
  • 5

Legal data

  1. 40103673262
  2. LV40103673262
  3. "SEB banka"
  4. LV42UNLA0050020649649
  5. 21.05.2013
  6. 21.05.2013
  7. Vienības gatve 48A – 5, Rīga, LV-1004


LTD "ELIZIUMS-1" - funeral services in Riga. In cooperation with Latvian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers, burial accessories are offered( coffins, crosses, clothes, candles, folk blankets, etc) .


About the company

We, "ELIZIUMS-1" – we are a funeral services and accessories office that will help you take your loved one to the last stage with sensitivity and care. We will provide professional assistance, listen to your wishes and possibilities, provide the necessary support and share our experience.

The company will provide

We will help you find answers to unclear questions and give advice when organizing a funeral. Together, we will look for opportunities to fulfill the wishes of the deceased and the relatives, starting with flowers, candles and ending with the leader of the ceremony, so that in this moment of mourning, your worries related to the final departure of the relative will remain with SIA "ELIZIUMS-1" sense and you would have the feeling that the deceased was accompanied beautifully and with dignity.


Funeral services, full funeral service bureau, day-and-night service, mourning ceremony pastor, funeral ceremony pastor, spokesman, funeral master, music accompaniment, musicians, the deceased transportation to morgue, morgue services, the deceased delivery abroad, transportation of the deceased abroad, transportation of the deceased from abroad, paperwork, funeral transport, hearse, bus, professional carriers, gravediggers, services in cemetery, funeral accessories, coffins, wooden coffins, upholstered coffins, urns, wooden urns, metal urns, wreaths, funeral bouquets, flowers, bouquet on the coffin, ribbons, satin ribbons, linen tapes, crosses, covers, deceased covers, national blankets, clothing, footwear, engraved plates, candles, photographer, funeral agent home visits, transportation of the deceased, transportation of the deceased around the clock, from 00.00 to 24.00, from 00.00 to 24.00, morg, морг, крематорий, Akropolis, farewell hall Paradisus, farewell hall in Riga, funerals, burial, organization of funeral, farewell hall, chapel, counseling about funeral issues, draped coffins, standard coffins, coffins to order, cremation urns, cremation urns, grave crosses, grave plaques, grave covers, candles, funeral accessories, certificate of cause of death, funeral music, funeral music, singer at the funeral, defunct, the deceased, remains, ashes, defunct, to cremate in Riga, organization of cremation, cremation, cremation services, cremation, 24-hour undertaker's office, burial services, 24-hour burial, disposal service, deceased transportation, funeral service 24h, day and night mortuary services, 24-hour morgue, morgue, morgues, morgue, attest death, death detection, preparation of death documents, medical certificate, death certificate, death allowance processing, tomb site reservations, grave site reservation, grave site ordering, gravesite ordering, gravesite buying, graves, temporary funeral, grave, farewell services, religious denominations pastors in funeral ceremonies, pastors at funeral ceremonies, funeral ceremony masters, carrier services, carriers in funerals, funeral ceremony, funeral ceremony, funeral ceremony.
