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Dentist in Bauska
Dentistry in Bauska
Dentistry and oral hygiene
Dentistry and oral hygiene
dental treatment
dental surgery
dental hygiene


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1800
  • Tue800-1600
  • Wed800-1600
  • Thu900-1800
  • Fri900-1700
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 316377 / 2023
  • 12

Legal data

  1. 43603058178
  2. 04.03.2013
  3. 04.03.2013
  4. Uzvaras iela 21 – 1, Bauska, Bauskas nov., LV-3901
  5. 2023


Dental clinic "EvaMar" offers various dental and dental hygiene services, including dental treatment, prosthetics, surgery, dental hygiene, implantology. Quality dentistry in Bauska. Individual approach to each client. Doctors - Inguna Dzene, Anda Bergmane, Elīza Vēja. Surgeon - Darja Gvergžde. Hygienist - Ilona Saukuma.



Dentist in Bauska, dental treatment, prosthetics, dental surgery, implantology, dental hygiene, Elīza Vēja, Inguna Dzene, Anda Bergmane, Darja Gvergžde, Children's free dentist. Dental hygiene. Dental hygienist Ilona Saukuma.
