Photo 17

DPL probe
IFCO pile tests
IFCO pile tests
KAMAZ UGB443 210
Falling weight deflectometer
Pagani TG63 150A
Basic surfing
SIT + pile tests
SIT + pile tests
Drilling in Lithuania
Elkor plaza cpt7
Overall pic
RIX drilling
Skanstes 70b
Static plate test
Static plate test

Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1700
  • Tue900-1700
  • Wed900-1700
  • Thu900-1700
  • Fri900-1700
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 514908 / 2023
  • 8
  • Service provider

Legal data

  1. 40203015617
  2. LV40203015617
  3. 29.08.2016
  4. Palasta iela 10, Rīga, LV-1050
  5. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Inženierizpēte
  2. 13306
  3. Aktīvs

About the company

LTD "Ģeo Eksperts" is a Latvian company whose main occupation is geotechnical( geological, engineering geological) provision of research services. We see our permanent and most important customers in the territory of Latvia, but we also do not limit ourselves from research work in the other Baltic countries or in nearby neighboring countries.



  • Geotechnical research
  • Geotechnical monitoring
  • Sand compaction tests
  • Soil bearing capacity tests
  • Pile integrity tests
  • Basic survey
  • Static plate tests
  • Creation of monitoring wells



Geological prospecting and geotechnical exploration services, Drilling works, Geotechnical drilling, Static probing, CPT, Static probing with pore pressure measurement, Dissipation tests, Pore scattering test, CPTU, Dynamic probing, DPSH, Soil laboratory studies, Inspection of foundations of existing buildings, Static plate inspection, Static plate tests, PLT tests, Pile testing, Pile integrity testing, Inspection of piles by sound method. Sand compaction tests. Chip compaction tests. Falling weight deflectometer. Geological prospecting and geotechnical exploration services. Drilling works. Static probing, dynamic probing, laboratory studies, management of the bases of existing buildings, preparation of the report in accordance with the norms. Geotechnical supervision of objects.
