Photo 8

Border surveying
Topography plan
Geodesy, surveying
topography, executive schemes
land use planning project
Surveying, geodesy, cartography, topography
construction axis marking
detail planning


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1800
  • Tue900-1800
  • Wed900-1800
  • Thu900-1800
  • Fri900-1800
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 23977 / 2023
  • 2

Legal data

  1. 40003688539
  2. LV40003688539
  3. "Nordea Bank Finland Plc Latvijas filiāle"
  4. LV08NDEA0000080391098
  5. 07.07.2004
  6. Ausmas iela 13, Rīga, LV-1006

About us

SIA "Gintus" has been operating since 2006. The company specializes in surveying works - topography, boundary plans, geodesy, executive schemes, construction axes, land development projects. The company uses the most modern technologies and hardware. The detailed plan is developed, guaranteeing a full service cycle with the production of topography and boundary plans and the acquisition of a land book for each individual plot of land. LTD "GINTUS" topography up to 3 ha is performed within 1 month, and the customer can receive working materials within 2 weeks. Issuance of topographic information within 1 week.


Topographical surveyEngineering geodesic research worksSurvey of underground communications and digital surveyingBorder surveyingProduction of geodetic execution schemes of buildings, structures, building elements and roads during and after the construction process


The company has participated in several stages of Via Baltic construction in Jelgava, Lielās and Dobeles streets.


Border surveying. Topography plan. Geodesy, surveying, topography, executive schemes, border plan, land use planning project, detail planning, construction axis marking. We provide services in, - Dobele, Bauska, Tukums, Saldus, Marupe, Riga. measurements, plans, engineering geodetic measurements, technologies, research, underground communication, detailed plan.
