Photo 7

Dangerous cargo transportation
Express freight shipping
Freight transport
ADR transportation
Warehousing services
Groupage cargo transportation
Cargo insurance


  1. +371 27072888


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1800
  • Tue900-1800
  • Wed900-1800
  • Thu900-1800
  • Fri900-1800
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 6427530 / 2023
  • 8

Legal data

  1. 41203074978
  2. LV41203074978
  4. LV86HABA0551048987155
  5. 14.08.2020
  6. 14.08.2020

Logistics specialists:

Professional team, experience and high quality requirements place our company in a leading position in cargo transportation. We deliver combined and full cargo transportation between Western European countries, the Baltics and Scandinavia.

  • Full cargo transportation.
  • Groupage cargo transportation.
  • Cargo insurance.
  • Express freight shipping.
  • Dangerous( ADR) freight transport.
  • In assembled and full load temperature mode.
  • Warehousing services.


Fast and safe transportation from Western European countries:

We are able to appreciate every customer who has directly entrusted us with their cargo shipments. Our goal is to build long-term business partner relationships that customers can rely on.

  • Denmark
  • Netherlands
  • Luxembourg
  • Belgium
  • Switzerland


Additional services

  • Providing combined/full trucks, it is also possible to offer Termo/ADR.
  • Cargo protection in warehouse around the clock.
  • We offer warehouse services in Riga, Kaunas and Tallinn.
  • Deliveries to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia every day.
  • Fast and safe cargo transportation in Europe and Scandinavia.
  • Ability to load one unit weighing up to 3 tons.
  • Domestic deliveries with a rear lift, ensuring transport within the agreed terms.
  • Safe handling.



Warehousing services, ADR transportation, ADR cargoes, Freight transport, Full cargo transportation, Groupage cargo transportation, Express freight shipping, Dangerous cargo transportation, Cargo insurance, Logistics experts
