Konna, LTD
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Business data
- EUR 554940 / 2023
- 19
- Service provider
Legal data
- 41503029278
- LV41503029278
- 09.01.2002
- Kārklu iela 3, Daugavpils, LV-5401
- 2023
BIS.GOV.LV information
- Pārvades, uzglabāšanas, sadales un lietotāju gāzapgādes sistēmu un naftas apgādes sistēmu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
- Siltumapgādes, ventilācijas un gaisa kondicionēšanas sistēmu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
- Ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu (ieskaitot ugunsdzēsības sistēmas) būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
- 0820-R
- Aktīvs
LTD "Konna" is a multidisciplinary company that has been operating on the Latvian market for more than 20 years.
During this time, a cohesive team of professionals was organized, whose level of knowledge and skills was confirmed by appropriate certificates and licenses of the Republic of Latvia.
Accumulated rich experience in performing various complex construction works.
The main lines of business are::
Construction of communications
- Gas supply, gas boiler houses; gāzes katlu mājas; gas pipelines; gas distribution points; cathode stations; replacement of gas boilers
- External and internal water supply networks and sewerage; plumbing works, pumping and treatment equipment;
- Heat supply, boiler house heating units; heating mains; heating systems; technical maintenance of boiler rooms, heating units
Construction works
- Dismantling works
- Renovation of building facades, decoration, house insulation
- roof repair, application of fusible coatings, coating with seamless polyurethane waterproofing membrane
- indoor current and major repairs; finishing works, painting works
gas supplies, sewerage, water supply, ventilation, gas, roof, repair, purification equipment, cathode station, networks, heat units, plumbing works, construction, dismantling works, interior works, repair works, painting works, building renovation, facade restoration, facade finish, house insulation, gāzes katlu mājas, maintenance of boiler rooms, plumbing works, replacement of gas boilers, ventilation systems, sewerage systems, heat supply systems, gas supply systems.