University of Latvia P. Stradins Medical College
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Working time
- Sun-
- Mon900-1700
- Tue900-1700
- Wed900-1700
- Thu900-1700
- Fri900-1700
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Business data
- Service provider
- Nurse
- Doctor's assistant
- Biomedicine laboratory assistant
- Radiologist assistant
- Foot specialist
- Social carer
- Social rehabilitator
- Beauty care specialist in cosmetology
- Masseur
- http://www.psk.lu.lv/par-koledzu/visparigi-par-koledzu
- http://www.psk.lu.lv/studiju-iespejas/studiju-programmas
- http://www.psk.lu.lv/aktualitates/visas-aktualitates
Legal data
- 90000031813
- LV90000031813
- 28.03.2018
P.Stradiņš College of Medicine of the University of Latvia offers to learn in-demand professions in the field of health care and social welfare in 9 study programs of accredited 1st level professional higher education: "Māszinības" ( in cooperation with the University of Latvia; qualification - "Vispārējās aprūpes māsa", 2 years of study at the college( budget places) and 2 years of study at the University of Latvia( budget places / paid studies) ), "Ārstniecība" ( "Ārsta palīgs", budget places), "Estētiskā kosmetoloģija" ( "Skaistumkopšanas speciālists kosmetoloģijā", paid study program, studies in a day or evening group), "Ārstnieciskā masāža" ( "Masieris", paid study program, studies in a day or evening group), "Biomedicīnas laborants" ( "Biomedicīnas laborants", budget places), "Radiologa asistents" ( "Radiologa asistents", budget places), "Podoloģija" ( "Podologs", budget places), "Sociālā aprūpe" ( "Sociālais aprūpētājs", budget places), "Sociālā rehabilitācija" ( "Sociālais rehabilitētājs", budget places) . Implements continuing education and professional development education programs for the maintenance of qualifications of health and social care specialists. Rezekne branch implements three study programs - "Māszinības", "Ārstniecība", "Ārstnieciskā masāža" . Study programs: nursing, medical treatment, aesthetic cosmetology, therapeutic massage, biomedical laboratory assistant, radiologist's assistant, social care, social rehabilitation, podiatry.
admission in the following specialties nurse, medical specialty, training for health,
doctor's assistant, radiologist assistant, biomedicine laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant,
foot specialist, social care, social rehabilitator, rehabilitator,
state budget places, paid study programs, studies take place in day groups,
studies take place in evening groups, evening groups, day groups, aesthetic cosmetology,
cosmetology, qualification to be obtained, qualification in medical field,
medical staff, beauty care specialist, cosmetology,
therapeutic massage, masseur, hostel, provided hostel,
enroll students with secondary education, vocational training,
higher continuing education, professional development, education,
universities, university, higher education, study programs,
higher education, studies, higher education studies,
1st level higher education, vocational education institution,
higher education in Latvia, medical education in Latvia,
high quality medical education, specialists, medical specialists,
health professionals, qualitative education, qualitative higher education.