
  1. +371 29481711


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Business data

  • EUR 247769 / 2023
  • 4

Legal data

  1. 42103083314
  2. LV42103083314
  3. 03.04.2018
  4. "Vairodziņi", Jaunlutriņu pag., Saldus nov., LV-3876
  5. 2023


We will build, renovate, rebuild or completely renovate your building, house, family house, production facility from the ground up to the roof. Individual professional approach to each client - we will listen to your wishes, evaluate and invent solutions.
We build cooperation with clients on the principles of mutual respect and understanding!


LIMEN Construction company will do:

  • Full cycle of new building, house construction
  • Renovation and reconstruction of existing buildings
  • Construction of new foundations
  • Strengthening the old foundations
  • Roof construction, cover change
  • Wall construction( both the wall and the standing building)
  • Miscellaneous construction work and repair work
  • Electrical installation, including installation of lightning conductors
  • Plumbing work, including outdoor sewerage
  • Water and heating installation
  • Drainage
  • Laying of expanded clay, wood, concrete floors
  • Complete interior finishing work



Full cycle building, construction of private houses from foundation to turnkey, construction, construction works, repair works, repair works, facade works, finishing works, building insulation, insulation, dismantling, building demolition, dismantling works, excavation works, bricklaying. Home insulation, wooden building renovation, renovation. construction of houses, newly erected buildings, foundation construction,, repair works, refurbishment of apartments, home overhaul, interior works, finishing works, exterior finishing works, stucco making, reconstruction, renovation, wooden building renovation, house insulation, facade insulation, heat insulation works, roofer works, roof installation, Concreting, concreting works, floor concreting, foundation concreting, all types of concreting works - the basics, covering, floors, foundation construction, basement construction, reinforcement, reinforcement works of various complexity, we concrete the foundations of private houses, various ribbon, pillar foundations. We work in Saldus, Saldus parish, Kurzeme, Ciecere, Brocēni, Zvārde, Skrunda, Vaiņode, Auce, Pampāļi, Nigrande, Kursīši, Jaunauce, Ezere, Mežvidi, Zirņi, Blīdene, Druva, Namiķi, Lutriņi, Satiķi, Skede, Jaunlutriņi, Gaiķi, Remte, Skrunda, Ceplīši, Blīdenes parish, Brocēnu city, Cieceres parish, Ezeres parish, Gaiķu parish, Jaunauces parish, Jaunlutriņu parish, Kursīšu parish, Lutriņu parish, Nīgrandes parish, Novadnieku parish, Pampāļu parish, Remtes parish, Rubas parish, Saldus parish, Saldus city, Šķēdes parish, Vadakstes parish, Zaņas parish, Zirņu parish, Zvārdes parish.
