Photo 4

Accountancy, accountancy services, Pabaži, Sēja, Murjāņi, Saulkrasti, Zvejniekciems, Carnikava, Adazi.
Accountancy services in Riga, In Riga District, Near Riga, In Riga vicinity.
Remote accounting. Sēja, Pabaži, Riga region.

Business data

  • EUR 117759 / 2023
  • 6
  • Service provider

Legal data

  1. 44103085953
  2. LV44103085953
  3. 13.05.2013
  4. 13.05.2013
  5. Pērnavas iela 60 – 8, Salacgrīva, Limbažu nov., LV-4033

Company description

We are a small company that has been working in the field of accounting since 2013., accumulating experience, having previously worked in companies of various sectors - in retail, service provision, construction and others. The company offers accounting services in Riga and the Riga region, Cēsis, Sigulda, Limbaži, as well as in the regions closest to Riga. Service price - starting from 14 EUR per month. In the belief of successful cooperation, we wish you success and good luck!



  • Preparation of operational financial reports for leasing, banks, etc.
  • Preparation and submission of statistical reports
  • Annual report preparation and filing to SRS
  • Advice on accounting and tax matters
  • Partial accounting services
  • Restoration of accounting registers from pre-documents


Our main advantages:

  • All employees have relevant higher education in accounting and finance
  • We take care of the professional development of our accountants, we regularly attend seminars and courses dedicated to the latest changes in legislation
  • We take full responsibility for confidentiality, trust, accuracy, transparency of the company's accounting records and for the timely execution of services
  • We also help to find solutions to all issues related to the company's accounting
  • We provide accounting services for legal and natural persons



Business, development of business accounting policy, examination of original documents, document keeping, document entry in the accounts, natural resource tax reports, tax report filing to SRS, operational financial report preparation for leasing, operational financial report preparation for banks, operational financial report preparation for European projects, operational financial report preparation for credit institutions, statistical report preparation, submission of statistical reports as required, preparation of statistical reports on Customer's Request, annual report preparation, annual report submission to SRS, accounting consultations, consultations about tax issues, documents in office can be submitted in person, documents may be submitted by a courier paid by us, partial accounting services, data input in the customer database according to submitted source documents, payroll calculation, recovery of accounting records from source documents, accounts are not kept, missing registers, but they are necessary, accountancy services in Riga, accountant services in Riga district, accounting services in Cesis, accountant services in Cesu district, accounting services in Limbazi, accounting services in Limbazu district, accounting services in Sigulda, accountant services in Krimulda, accounting services in Adazi, accountant services in Carnikava, accounting services in Saulkrasti, accountant services in Murjani, accountant services in Seja, accounting services in Lilaste, accounting services in Zvejniekciems, accountant services in Tuja, accountant in Pabaži, quality, qualitative service, professionalism, professional staff, help for businesses, accountant's help for companies, accounting for micro-enterprises, accountant assistance for micro-enterprises, professional accountant assistance, accountants.
