Medicīnas sabiedrība Gaiļezers, LTD

Medicīnas sabiedrība Gaiļezers, LTD

Photo 5

Nefro klīnika
Treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease
Nephrologist consultations


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon730-1600
  • Tue730-1600
  • Wed730-1600
  • Thu730-1600
  • Fri730-1600
  • Sat730-1600

Business data

  • EUR 2785048 / 2023
  • 67
  • Service provider

Legal data

  1. 40103019330
  2. LV40103019330
  3. 13.08.1991
  4. Šmerļa iela 2A, Rīga, LV-1006
  5. 2023

Facts about "Nefro klīnika"

  • LTD "MS Gaiļezers" with the new brand name "Nefro Klīnika" established in 1991. year.
  • No 1993. located at Šmerļa street 2a, Riga. Initially, a wide-profile medical activity.
  • 1996. kidney replacement therapy is started. From 2000. narrow specialization: renal replacement therapy alone( hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration) hemosorption is performed in the day hospital, as well as in case of need, in renal replacement therapy patients.
  • There are currently 11 renal replacement therapy day hospitals operating in 11 different locations in Latvia. All day inpatient centers are accessible to patients with mobility impairments.
  • Our staff is a highly qualified and experienced team. The staff regularly attends international congresses for the purpose of raising their qualifications.

Medical institution code 010060302.


"Nefro klīnika" services for the citizens of Latvia

  • Hemodialysis( HD)
  • Hemodiafiltration( HDF)
  • Consultations of a nephrologist with a referral from a family doctor
  • Nephrologist consultations
  • Chemisorption( renal replacement therapy patients only)


"Nefro klīnika" services for foreign patients:

For foreign patients with EVAK( EHIC) insurance:

  • Nephrologist consultations
  • Hemodialysis( HD)
  • Hemodiafiltration( HDF)

For foreign patients without EVAK( EHIC) insurance:

  • Hemodialysis( HD)
  • Hemodiafiltration( HDF)
  • Nephrologist consultations



Dialysis, Kidneys, kidney, kidney disease, Kidney replacement therapy, artificial kidney, hemodialysis HD, hemodiafiltration HDF, urology, urologist, nephrology, nephrologist consultations, chemisorption, procedures for tourists, replacement therapy for tourists, EVAK, EHIC insurance, Manager Georg Ritov, doctors, Māris Pļaviņš, Natalia Chirkova, Gunta Reitere, Ilze Pilsnibure, Doctors nephrologists in Riga, Hemodialysis, kidneys, kidney transplantation, kidney transplantation, kidney replacement therapy, dialysis, kidney treatment, kidney diseases, chronic kidney disease treatment, artificial kidney, artificial kidneys, day hospital, Doctors nephrologists, nephrology in Riga, nephrology consultations, Doctors nephrologists, kidney disease specialists Maris Plavins, Natalia Chirkova, Ilze Pilsnibure etc. specialists, dialysis clinics in Latvia.
