Plūsma, LTD

Plūsma, LTD

Slēgts no 13.11.2023.-22.11.2023.


  1. +371 28677214


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    Opening hours by appointment! Closed every year from 01.07-31.07.

Business data

  • EUR 101516 / 2023
  • 2
  • Distributor

Legal data

  1. 40003124552
  2. LV40003124552
  3. "SEB banka"
  4. LV40UNLA0001009469579
  5. 13.04.1993
  6. 15.10.2004
  7. Pulkveža Brieža iela 15A – 102, Rīga, LV-1010

About us

Delivery of goods and orders takes place by individual appointment. Compulsory documentation of education, training institutions, provision of documentation( certificates, magazines, testimonials, diplomas, certificates, qualification certificates, regulatory enactments of education legislation) . Record keeping documentation, etc.



Magazines, educational institutions, registers, education, publishing-house, Education, mandatory documentation of educational institutions, provision of documentation, certificates, testimonies, diplomas, attestations, qualification certificates, Record keeping documentation, economic agreement magazines, contract logs, incoming and outgoing registers of documents, registration logs for firesafety, briefing records, person things, order, protocol books, archive, archive case covers, various documents covers, attestations, class magazines, blanks, documentation for learning process organization, class magazines, timetables, optional classes logs, testimonies, attestations, qualification certificates, pre-school educational institutions, teacher, music teacher, speech therapist, methodologist's diary, group log, general educational establishments compulsory documentation, class magazines, educational achievement summary journals, Preschool educational establishments documentation, PII teacher diaries, methodologist diaries, work plans, person things, for comprehensive schools, maps, teaching aids, record-keeping documents, labor protection, accident, records of archival records, Library documentation, library documents, library diary, library fund records, library inventory book, a wide selection of diplomas, recognition awards, honorary articles, hardback, covers, certificate covers, birth certificate covers, marriage certificate covers.
