- 3 in october 2019, 17:53
❝Profesionāls serviss❞
- 3 in may 2022, 22:02
❝Labākais birojs Liepājā! Visu cieņu! Sirsnīgs paldies Ainaram un viņa kolektīvam!❞
- 19 in september 2022, 11:18
❝Augsti profesionāli pakalpojumi apbedīšanas pakalpojumu nozarē.❞
- 25 in august 2023, 16:36
❝Ainara Spirģa apbedīšanas birojs manā grūtajā brīdī bija spilgts gaisma tuneļa galā. Viņu uzmanība detaļām, mīlestība un sapratne pret manu vajadzību bija neaizmirstama. Viņi nodrošināja katru soli no sākuma līdz beigām ar rūpību un cieņu. Esmu pateicīgs par viņu profesionālismu un empātiju, kas palīdzēja mums iziet cauri šim grūtajam periodam. Liels paldies, Ainara Spirģa Apbedīšanas birojs, par jūsu izcilajiem pakalpojumiem un mierinājumu, ko jūs sniedzat.❞
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Working time
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Business data
- EUR 466679 / 2023
- 19
Legal data
- 42103033099
- LV42103033099
- 07.09.2004
- 07.09.2004
- Lauku iela 34, Liepāja, LV-3411
- 2023
About the funeral home
Ainars Spirģs funeral home provides a full funeral service anywhere according to the client's needs. Delivery of the deceased, transportation from / to any place. Formation and arrangement of all necessary documents. Wide range of funeral accessories( coffins, blankets, etc) . Crematorium services. Funeral feast organization. Escort, photo and music services at the departure ceremony. As well as cemetery improvement, grave site maintenance and stonemason services. We offer postpayment for all services.
- Funeral rituals
- Funeral accessories
- Flowers, wreaths and mourning bouquets
- The course of funeral ceremonies
- Deceased transportation
- Funeral feast
- Crematorium services
- Document processing
- Funeral music
- Stonemason services
- Serving the grave site
- Grave improvement
Funeral ritual accessories:
- Coffins;
- Crosses
- National blankets
Hearse services. Funeral offices. Funeral services. Funeral accessories. Bus rental., funeral ceremony, funeral photo, funeral music, funeral planning, burial, funeral bouquets, wreaths, cross, crosses, coffin, coffins. Organization of funeral, funeral transport, urns, cremation, morgues, morgue. Freight transport, transport services, hearse, deceased transportation. Funeral office in Liepaja, preparation of death documents, order formation at customer's home. Pastors from all denominations, pastor. Secular farewell masters, secular speakers. transportation of the deceased to morgue from home. accident site, streets, highway, location place, state. Full funeral service. Work 24-hours a day. Postpay is possible. Funeral services and supplies. Transportation of the deceased from / to abroad. Delivery of the Death to the Morgue. Minivans for rent. Funeral music. Coffins, hearse. Funeral feast. Organization of funeral. Burial services, funeral services, funerals, organization of funeral, deceased transportation, funeral music, funeral feast, coffins, hearse, coffin, lace cover, blanket on the coffin, slippers, candles, grave candles, cross, wreaths, fly to the crown, carrier services, death documents, registration of benefits, funeral announcements, wreath, burial bouquet, bouquet, flowers, morgue services, grave digging, needles, spruce, chapel, use of the chapel, towels, shovels, funeral music, timely leader of the ceremony, pastor services, photographer, video filming, funeral feast, bus, minibus, telegrams, designation of grave sites, cemetery reservation, grave improvement.