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Burial Saldus
Flowers, burial Saldus


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  1. 40203620702
  2. 28.01.2025
  3. Tūristu iela 11 – 12, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
  4. 1


LTD "Ressa" offers funeral services and grave installation in Saldus. In the improvement of graves, we offer the manufacture of grave borders and monuments. We offer the organization and management of the funeral ceremony. Mortuary, undertaker, pastor, wreaths. Funeral ceremony Saldus, Broceni.



Funeral services Saldus, Cemetery decoration in Brocēni, Cemetery curbs in Saldus, Monuments in Brocēni, Burial, Morgue services, Funeral master services, Pastor for the funeral ceremony, Wreaths for a funeral ceremony, Funeral ceremony Saldus, Funeral ceremony in Brocēni, Cemetery maintenance in Saldus, Grave care Brocēni, Monument installation in Saldus, Installation of monuments in Brocēni, Funeral transportation services, Cheap funeral services, Quality funeral services