RSU Red Cross Medical College

RSU Red Cross Medical College

Photo 9

RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College
RSU Red Cross Medical College


  1. +371 67296929


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon830-1700
  • Tue830-1700
  • Wed830-1700
  • Thu830-1700
  • Fri830-1700
  • Sat-

Business data

  • Service provider

Legal data

  1. 90001474921
  2. LV90000809720
  3. 23.04.2018
  4. 01.01.1970
  5. Brīvības iela 72 k-1, Rīga, LV-1011

About medical college

Riga Stradiņš University Red Cross Medical College is an agency under the supervision of RSU. The college provides highly qualified medical education, implementing a total of four short-cycle professional higher education study programs - Medicine( doctor's assistant), Treatment( Emergency medical assistant), Pharmacy( pharmacist assistant) and Therapeutic massage( masseur), vocational education program Nursing( nurses assistant), as well as the professional secondary education study program - Dentistry( zobārsta asistents) . The college offers full-time study, budget and paid places.



RSU, RSU SKMK, Higher vocational education, short cycle professional higher education, secondary vocational education, vocational education, Medical college, medical training, budget places, paid studies, Treatment, doctor's assistant,
Emergency medical assistant, Nursery, nurses assistant, Therapeutic massage, masseur, training of masseurs, masseur studies, Dentistry, zobārsta asistents, dental nurse, dental assistant, Pharmacy, pharmacist assistant, pharmacist training, pharmacy employee, pharmacist qualification, Further education, Cosmetology, beautician, Professional development, Outpatient physician assistant, Scholarships, hostel, internships provided, Erasmus +, Free higher education, free studies, free programs, Education higher, Education professional, Vocational training, Emergency medicine, Caregiver.

