Saldus komunālserviss, LTD
Legal data
- 48503000219
- LV48503000219
- "SEB banka", Saldus filiāle
- LV42UNLA0015000508401
- 23.10.1991
- 06.11.2003
- Dzirnavu iela 31, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
- 2023
Water supply, Saldus ūdensapgāde, Saldus sewerage, sewerage, wastewater treatment, Treatment of fresh wastewater Saldus, mobile toilets, waste collection services, cemetery management, external sewage networks rinsing, pipeline video inspection, accident consequences liquidation, liquidation of the consequences of accidents in Saldus, sewerage well cleaning, perched tank cleaning, sewage sludge tank cleaning, clogged pipe penetration, clogged pipe blockages, clog penetration elimination, elimination of blockages, clog removal, pipe penetration, sewer emergency service, sewer emergency works, sewer accident consequences liquidation, sanitation, sewage disposal machine services, sanitation machine, wastewater, wastewater collection, household wastewater collection, grave site, gravesite, gravesite reservations, Saldus cemetery reservation, Ordering grave Saldus, tomb site reservations, grave site ordering.