Skabarga, Krustpils parish cooperative society of Jēkabpils district

Skabarga, Krustpils parish cooperative society of Jēkabpils district

Photo 5

Gater in Jekabpils
Wooden garden furniture
Wooden swing Jekabpils
Timber Jekabpils
Sawn timber in Jekabpils


  1. +371 20027247
  3. +371 20027248


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1700
  • Tue800-1700
  • Wed800-1700
  • Thu800-1700
  • Fri800-1700
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 151512 / 2023
  • Producer, Service provider

Legal data

  1. 45403002606
  2. LV45403002606
  3. "SEB banka"
  4. LV53UNLA0009000460780
  5. 18.02.1993
  6. 18.02.1993


"Skabarga" the cooperative society provides carpentry services.



Woodworking, timber, sawn timber, joinery services, joinery, logging, boards, beams, skirting boards, Wooden furniture, garden furniture, wooden stairs, windows, doors, buying of felling sites, firewood, firewood sales in Jēkabpils, logging services in Jekabpils, timber trade in Jēkabpils, gate services in Jēkabpils, carpentry services in Jēkabpils, making garden furniture in Jēkabpils, lumber trade in Jekabpils, forest removal services in Jēkabpils, sawing of lumber to individual order, lumber Jekabpils, wooden garden furniture, timber Jekabpils, wooden swing Jekabpils, gater in Jekabpils.
