STA Grupa, JSC
- 18 in january 2021, 15:38
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Working time
- Sun-
- Mon900-1800
- Tue900-1800
- Wed900-1800
- Thu900-1800
- Fri900-1800
- Sat-
Business data
- EUR 4538977 / 2023
- 57
- North America incl. Mexico, West and Central-West Europe, Central-East and East Europe, North and East Asia/Pacific excl. America
- Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Republic Of Korea, Lithuania, Taiwan, Province Of China, United States
- Central-East and East Europe
- Estonia, Lithuania
- Distributor
Legal data
- 40003019103
- LV40003019103
- "Citadele banka"
- LV52PARX0000026491018
- 07.08.1991
- 07.01.2004
- Latgales iela 227, Rīga, LV-1019
BIS.GOV.LV information
- Elektroietaišu izbūves darbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
- Elektroietaišu projektēšana
- Elektronisko sakaru sistēmu un tīklu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
- Elektronisko sakaru sistēmu un tīklu projektēšana
- 5000-R
- Aktīvs
About the company
Joint-Stock Company "STA Grupa" was founded in 1991. is one of the leading security and low voltage system design and construction companies in Latvia, employing more than 40 highly qualified specialists. 2021. year for the company A/S "STA Grupa" 30 years have already passed, and during these years the company has gained significant work experience and knowledge in the implementation of technical security system projects in facilities with various degrees of complexity. Today, we are pleased to be able to share our experience with you in implementing modern and important security system solutions. Our goal is customer success and secure business!
- Security system solutions for various objects
- Estimate calculation and offer preparation
- Designing
- Assembly and installation
- Programming and preparation of objects for operation
- Security system maintenance
- Warranty and repair
- Author supervision and technical consultations
- Execution of measurements of low-voltage networks and computer networks, preparation of opinions
- Fire detection and alarm systems
- Voice alarm notification systems
- Security alarm systems
- Access control systems
- Integrated systems
- Video surveillance systems
- Intercoms( intercoms) and turnstiles
- Computer networks and communication networks
Video surveillance systems, Dahua Technology, Hikvison, Panasonic, Fire alarm systems, Teletek Electronics, Schneider Electric FDP, FX3NET, Panasonic, SIEMENS Cerberus PRO, Bentel, Inim, Security alarm systems, Texecom, ELDES, DSC, Voice alarm systems BOSCH Plena, BOSCH Paviro, BOSCH Praesideo, BOSCH Praesensa, Access control systems and integrated systems INNER RANGE Integrity, Computer networks and communication networks, Intercoms and turnstiles, Security system solutions, calculation of estimates, proposal preparation, design services, assembly, programming and preparation of objects for operation, Service, taking measurements, drafting of opinions, object maintenance, warranty provision and equipment repair, Wiring, electric installation.