Teida, UAB



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Jau 23 metus įmonė UAB „TEIDA“ dirba jums. Judėjimas – tai vaistas!
Mes tikime, kad judesys – tai pirmas ir geriausias vaistas jūsų kūnui. Tik per judesį kūnas sustiprėja, žmogus jaučiasi sveikiau ir žvaliau. Sveikam kūnui – sportas, po traumos – gydomoji, atstatomoji mankšta, neįgalumas – pagalba judant. Aktyvus gyvenimo būdas - tai raktas į sveikesnį gyvenimą.
Mūsų parduotuvėse SVEIKATOS REIKMENYS Kaune, Vilniuje, Klaipėdoje, Šiauliuose ir HEALTHCARE BOUTIQUE Druskininkuose dirbantys kineziterapeutai ir konsultantai jums suteiks visą reikiamą informaciją ir pagalbą. Jūsų patogumui prekes galite įsigyti ar išsinuomoti ir e-parduotuvėje www.teida.lt
Mielai bendradarbiaujame su gydymo ir reabilitacijos įstaigomis, visuomeninėmis ir neįgaliųjų organizacijomis, švietimo ir ugdymo įstaigomis, SPA centrais, sveikatingumo ir sporto klubais.


rehabilitation, rehabilitation equipment, medical equipment, medical technique, 3medical furniture, electrostimulation machines, electrodes, dynamometer, parallels, anatomy models, decoys, educational posters, physiotherapy, orthopedics, orthopedic goods, ankle brace, back brace/back support, neck supports, insoles, sport, gymnastics, yoga, pour, therapeutic balls, therapeutic ball, exercise bands, children's exercises, acupuncture, therapeutic balls, gymnic balls, gums, steps, simulators, dumbbells, weights, benches, Swedish wall, Swedish walls, THERA BAND bands, elastic band, acupressure, exercise balls, ball, cooling spray, spraying, mats, yoga carpet, gym mat, gym mats, sports mat, sports mats, physical therapy measures, physiotherapy, balance training, balance platform, physical therapy tapes, tape, acupuncture points, blood pressure measuring machines, massage tables, human skeleton, gymnastic balls, gymnastics ball, Sharko shower, swimming board, underwater massage bed, back massagers, feet massager, massager for back, goniometer, arm trainers, walking sticks, Nordic walking sticks, backache/back pain, correct seat, Step, steps, stick, massage table, massage tables, seminars, for doctors, for coaches, urinary incontinence, treatment of urinary incontinence, Nursing, nursing measures, nursing equipment, rent of nursing equipment, rent of beds, bedsore mattresses, beds, walkers, walker, ducks, splints, sticks, stick, crutches, crutch, elbow crutch, elbow crutches, crutches, nursing beds, mattress from bed sores, nursing bed, nursing beds, functional beds, functional bed, rent of functional beds, rent of functional bed, rent of neįgaliųjų, rent of nursing bed, jerry, jerries, toilet chair, bedsores, nursing technique, patient care, oxygen concentrators, oxygen machines, rent of oxygen concentrators, oxygen Therapy, oxygen concentrators, lifters for disabled, disabled technique, equipment of dissabled, compensation technique, people with disabilities wheelchairs,
equipment for the disabled, accessories for the disabled, people with disabilities wheelchairs, lifts for disabled, lifter for disabled, equipment for disabled, wheelchair, wheelchair, toilet chairs for disabled, an electric wheelchair, rent of wheelchair, wheelchair, trainings, professional development
