Legal data
- 40003263457
- LV40003263457
- "Norvik banka", AS
- LV47LATB0002010004355
- 23.08.1995
- 18.03.2004
Fire alarm, fire safety systems, fire safety system designing, fire safety, fire protection system installation, fire protection system installation, fire protection system service, fire safety system smoke extraction, fire protection systems discharge, smoke extraction system automatics, fire flame prevention, access control systems, fire, fire-extinguishing systems, sprinkler, sprinklers sprinkler, foam, fire pumps automation, gas, smoke discharge, heat discharge, smoke hatches, technology, automatics, wooden passive processing, metal passive processing, fireproof paint, varnishes, filler flammoplast, svt Brandschutz, gas co leakage detection, gas co leakage determination, automation cabinets, electronic damper management automation, fire fighting equipment, firefighting equipment, firefighting equipment, fire-fighting equipment, deprecated 1230, fm 200, usl, us&;, us &;, usol, iSO, automatics, g+map reporting system, voice in case of fire, fire control, smoke ventilation, water mist, high-pressure sprayers, finely dispensers, fire-fighting system, extinguishing system, water mist. Fire alarm, installation of fire alarm systems, project management, service.