- +371 20107070MonTueWedThuFriSatSun(8.00-20.00)
- +371 67379155
- +371 29480944
- +371 29427198
- brivibas@valis.lv
- https://valis.lv/
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Working time
- Sun800-2000
- Mon800-2000
- Tue800-2000
- Wed800-2000
- Thu800-2000
- Fri800-2000
- Sat800-2000
Business data
- EUR 752469 / 2023
- 36
- Service provider
Legal data
- 40003270868
- LV40003270868
- 30.10.1995
- 28.07.2003
- Rīga, Brīvības iela 167, LV-1012
- 2023
About the clinic
Offered services:
- dental hygiene
- dental prosthetics
- entodonty
- surgery
- implantology
- periodontology
- children's dentistry
- teeth whitening
Dentists, dentistry, dentist, acute assistance, children's dentistry, oral hygenist, bridge-type replacements, teeth whitening, dental prosthetics, dentures, teeth restoration, dental surgery, stomatology, dental crowns and bridges, dental prophylaxis, dental X-ray, orthodontist, orthodontics, hygiene, hygienist, teeth accessories, zobu rotiņas, zobu dimanti, zobu akmentiņi, akmentiņi uz zoba, teeth root treatment, teeth canal cleaning, crowns, canal cleaning, dental fillings, dental aesthetics, filling, dental implants, implantation, implantology, dentures, specialist consultation, teeth extraction, zoba protezēšana, prosthetist, veneers, veneers, veneers, veneer, onlay, onlays, inlays, inlays, keramiskās plātnītes, ceramic plates, zirkonija kroņi, zirconium crowns, metal ceramic crowns, dental plates, dental crowns, zobu knronis, prosthetics on implants, plank, removable dentures, temporary crown, bridge prosthesis, dental bridge, implants, total dentures, totālas plāksnītes, absolute plates, absolute plate, aesthetics, esthetic, dental filling, filling, filling, oral hygiene, dental hygiene, caries, acute stomatology, acute dentistry, surgery, tooth extraction, tooth extraction, gudrības zoba ekstrakcija, wisdom tooth treatment, wisdom tooth extraction, whitening caps, protective caps for athletes, protective caps, oral hygiene, caps for athletes, teeth canal treatment, endodontics, canal treatment, canal filling, suturing, suture removal, eighth tooth extraction, eighth tooth extraction, teeth pain, night caps, dentist on Saturdays, dentist on Sundays, on duty dentistry, children dentistry, children dentist, children dentist, dental crowns, zobu tiltiņi, dental hygienist, teeth whitening prices, dental implant prices, dental prosthetic prices, dental clinic, Riga dentistry, dentistry for children, dental clinic, dentistry prices, dental hygiene prices, zobu higiēna akcijas, dental center, stomatology Institute, dental plates, dental implant, a good dentist, denture prices, dentistry in Riga, dental braces, dentist for children, stomatology Institute prices, how much costs dental implants, cik maksā zobārsts, how much costs dental treatment, cik maksā zobu raušana, zobārsta cenas, prosthetics, dental implantation, dentistry and oral hygiene, dentist, implantologist, periodontist, hygienist services, hygienist in Riga, children's dentist in Riga, prevention, orthopantomogram, tooth, bite correction, occlusion, ceramic crowns, dental treatment, teeth root canal treatment, root treatment, root canal treatment, gold seal, dental clinic in Riga, stomatology in Riga, dental clinic, dental practice, dental practice, digital x-ray, periodontology, extraction, whitening, implantation, pain, gums, gum pockets, treatment of gums, ceramic crowns, ceramic crowns, alignment, aesthetic restoration, restoration, treatment planning, dentistry for the whole family, sports caps, protective cap, dental implant, therapy, tooth restoration, dental consultations, teeth correction, sealants, ceramic crowns, zirconium crowns, mouth breathing, incorrect tongue position, tooth repair, dentist in Riga, dentists in Riga, dental guard, zobārsniecības, good dentist in riga, dental consultation, dental clinics in riga, dental prosthetics in Riga, dental hygienist in Riga, dental implant, tooth repair, dentistry in Riga, children's dentists in riga, dentistry, dentistry prices, dental implants prices, x-ray of the tooth, good dentist, dentist on holidays, caps