Photo 6

Vires LTD. Certified site supervisors
Vires LTD. Construction project management
Construction supervisor. LTD Vires. Construction and repair works
Construction supervisor. LTD Vires. Building renovation
LTD Vires. Construction project management. Certified site supervisors
Construction supervision. LTD Vires. Certified site supervisors

Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1800
  • Tue800-1800
  • Wed800-1800
  • Thu800-1800
  • Fri800-1800
  • Sat-

Business data

  • EUR 148532 / 2023
  • 5
  • Service provider

Legal data

  1. 40003870647
  2. LV40003870647
  3. 01.11.2006
  4. 01.11.2006
  5. Rīga, Ganību dambis 26, LV-1005

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Elektroietaišu izbūves darbu būvuzraudzība
  2. Elektronisko sakaru sistēmu un tīklu būvdarbu būvuzraudzība
  3. Ēku būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  4. 4175-R
  5. Aktīvs


We ensure compliance of construction works and quality of construction products with the requirements of regulatory enactments, perform construction supervision and expertise of construction projects, buildings, construction products and construction materials.



Building project expertise, Construction, Technical inspection, repair, Consultations, Services, insulation, building insulation, finishing works, construction supervision in Riga, construction in Riga, construction works in Riga, House renovation, Technical inspection of industrial structures
