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Trusted travel agency in Latvia
Holiday trips
Charter air travel


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    Office hours: upon order

Business data

  • EUR 264135 / 2023

Legal data

  1. 40203464921
  2. LV40203464921
  3. 24.02.2023
  4. 24.02.2023
  5. Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 1A, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
  6. 2023


We are "Weekend Travel Latvia" - a travel agency that fulfills dreams of unforgettable adventures. From breathtaking cruises and exotic beaches to group tours and snow-capped mountain peaks - we know how to make your trip unforgettable.

In our offer you will find everything you need for a perfect vacation - flight tickets, carefully planned excursions and even adventurous ski tours.

Our travel experience - knowledge for you - the right travel choice!
BE SAFE - Contractual performance guarantee AAS "BALTA" .
CRPC License Number: T-2023-9 We are IATA( The International Air Transport Association) member, No. 67320886


Offered services:

  • Package tours from major operators
  • Our organized group tours and bus excursions
  • Air tickets - charter flights, scheduled flights and group tickets
  • Business trips, corporate collaborations
  • Travel insurance



Weekend Travel Latvia, travel agency, tour operator, holiday trips, airline tickets, sightseeing tours, travel insurance, individual travel plans, corporate client services, bus trips, ski trips, cruises, last minute trips, travel advice, travel agency in Riga, In Sigulda, travel deals, cheapest trips, travel promotions, travel discounts, travel outlet, cheap airline tickets, last minute offers, travel insurance, travel planning, group tours, individual trips, corporate travel, trips to Albania, UAE, Bulgaria, Dominican, Egypt, Greece, Georgia, Italy, Canary Islands, Cyprus, Cuba, Indonesia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Montenegro, Mexico, Seychelles, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam
