Post-harvest crop activities
Talsu meliorator SIA

Land improvement and hydraulic engineering constructions. Pond digging, construction of concrete wells, drainage, ( ponds, ditches, concrete wells) . Parish, construction of rural and forest roads. Reinforced concrete article production, ( well curbs and covers, foundation blocks) . Milled peat trade. Bulldozer, excavator services. Transport

Talsu meliorator SIA
Land improvement and hydraulic engineering constructions. Pond digging, construction of concrete wells, drainage, ( ponds, ditches, concrete wells) . Parish, construction of rural and forest roads. Reinforced concrete article production, ( well curbs and covers, foundation blocks) . Milled peat trade. Bulldozer, excavator services. Transport
Kasparu 8, Stende, Talsu nov., LV-3257
ER Rasiņas, LTD

Firewood, Mixed wood, firewood delivery, chopped firewood, alder( alder) firewood, birch( birch) firewood, ash( ash) firewood, deciduous tree wood, coniferous tree firewood, pārdod malku, sells firewood in Kurzeme, throughout Kurzeme, delivers firewood to Kurzeme, firewood sale, fuel sale, fuel, good firewood, firewood, dried firewood,

ER Rasiņas, LTD
Firewood, Mixed wood, firewood delivery, chopped firewood, alder( alder) firewood, birch( birch) firewood, ash( ash) firewood, deciduous tree wood, coniferous tree firewood, pārdod malku, sells firewood in Kurzeme, throughout Kurzeme, delivers firewood to Kurzeme, firewood sale, fuel sale, fuel, good firewood, firewood, dried firewood,
"Grīvaiši", , Ezeres pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3891
Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks, LTD

Bulk cargo transport, grain transport, fodder transport, freight transport, freight transport road, transport, flour, groats, grains, feed, bran, rye flour. Grain transport. Freight transport, tent transport, oversized cargo, cisterns, liquid bulk cargoes, European countries, wheat flour, wheat bran. Organic grain transport, BIO product

Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks, LTD
Bulk cargo transport, grain transport, fodder transport, freight transport, freight transport road, transport, flour, groats, grains, feed, bran, rye flour. Grain transport. Freight transport, tent transport, oversized cargo, cisterns, liquid bulk cargoes, European countries, wheat flour, wheat bran. Organic grain transport, BIO product
"Dzirnavnieks", Otaņķu pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3475
Agro-Dzelzava, LTD

Livestock breeding: cattle, grain cultivation. Milk production, agricultural products. Milk production complex Vārpas. Sale of acid feed.

Agro-Dzelzava, LTD
Livestock breeding: cattle, grain cultivation. Milk production, agricultural products. Milk production complex Vārpas. Sale of acid feed.
"Vārpas", Dzelzavas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4873
Obeliai, ŽŪB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Obeliai, ŽŪB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Ginagro, UAB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Ginagro, UAB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Mockėnų ŽŪB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Mockėnų ŽŪB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Bokštai agro, ŽŪB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Bokštai agro, ŽŪB
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Joniškio grūdai, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Joniškio grūdai, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Vikkos, LTD
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Vikkos, LTD
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Lizums, Dārza 5, Lizuma pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4425
Dāmnieki, cooperative society
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Dāmnieki, cooperative society
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
"Pagasta garāžas", Zelmeņi, Tērvetes pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3730
Elfum, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Elfum, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Dzidriņas, Cepļa 14, Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2130
Solum, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Solum, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
"Vīndeģi", Brigi, Briģu pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV-5707
Gilg & Klay, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Gilg & Klay, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Krišjāņa Barona 11 - 1N, Liepāja, LV-3401
Tilžas rapsis, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Tilžas rapsis, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Tilža, Raiņa 6, Tilžas pagasts, Balvu nov., LV-4572
Akots, cooperative society
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Akots, cooperative society
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Grenči , Zemītes pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3135
Ceriņi 98, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Ceriņi 98, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Grozu Bernāni , Sīļukalna pagasts, Preiļu nov. LV-5331
Kopdarbs, cooperative society
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Kopdarbs, cooperative society
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Veterovka , Skaistas pagasts, Krāslavas nov., LV-5671
Lēdurgas druvas, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
Lēdurgas druvas, LTD
Post-harvest crop activities and seed processing for propagation
"Puķudruvas", Lēdurga, Lēdurgas pagasts, Siguldas nov. LV-4012