Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Neirons, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Neirons, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Ģertrūdes 7, Rīga LV-1010
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Avotu 3, Rīga LV-1011
Eiropas pētījumu institūts
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Eiropas pētījumu institūts
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Ropažu 56, Rīga, LV-1006
KDV Office, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
KDV Office, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Albatrosu 24-18, Rīga, LV-1030
Sistēmu inovācijas, JSC
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Sistēmu inovācijas, JSC
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Mazcenu aleja 6A, Jaunmārupe, Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2166
StarSpace, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
StarSpace, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
"Kaltiņi", Suntažu pagasts, Ogres nov., LV-5060
LabochemLV, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
LabochemLV, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Ķīpsalas 6B, Rīga, LV-1048
Syneos Health Latvia, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Syneos Health Latvia, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Tīraine, Tīraines 1, Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov. LV-2167
Latgales lauksaimniecības zinātnes centrs, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Latgales lauksaimniecības zinātnes centrs, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļāni, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4650
Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Dzērbenes 14, Rīga, LV-1006
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Krīvu 11, Rīga LV-1006
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Struktoru 14, Rīga, LV-1039
D un D centrs, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
D un D centrs, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Margrietas 7, Rīga LV-1083
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Dzērbenes 27, Rīga, LV-1006
Olīvzars-Vedi, day care and spiritual education center
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Olīvzars-Vedi, day care and spiritual education center
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Latgales 116, Rīga LV-1003
Baltic International Center for Economic Policy Studies
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Baltic International Center for Economic Policy Studies
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Strēlnieku 4A, Rīga LV-1010
Latvijas Biomedicīnas pētījumu un studiju centrs
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Latvijas Biomedicīnas pētījumu un studiju centrs
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Rātsupītes 1 k-1, Rīga, LV-1067
Psihoneirofizioloģijas un bioregulācijas pētījumu centrs, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Psihoneirofizioloģijas un bioregulācijas pētījumu centrs, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Krišjāņa Valdemāra 17A - 2, Rīga, LV-1010
BIOR, food safety, scientific Institute of Animal Health and Environment
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
BIOR, food safety, scientific Institute of Animal Health and Environment
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Lejupes 3, Rīga LV-1076
Meža un koksnes produktu pētniecības un attīstības institūts, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Meža un koksnes produktu pētniecības un attīstības institūts, LTD
Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Dobeles 41, Jelgava LV-3001