Estonian Trade Union Confederation
EAKL работает для того, чтобы принцип социальной справедливости пользовался уважением в обществе.EAKL представляет интересы работника в коллективных договорах и защищает работников в сфере трудовых отношений, консультирует работодателей по развитию устойчивого рынка труда и правительство о развитии социально устойчивой экономической модели.EAKL активно участвует в формировании законодательства и политики в целях обеспечения социальной защиты работников и здоровых условий труда.
Estonian Insurance Association
Estonian Insurance Association (EKsL) is an organisation which unites all the insurance companies and branches of foreign insurance companies permanently operating in Estonia.
Estonian Association of Gambling Operators
The activity of the Association is based on the initiation of its founders and members and on their common activities in electing the management for the Association and the elected executives regularly reporting to the members of the Association. After the establishment of the Association the members and sponsors shall promote the activities of the Association
Estonian Biomass Association
EBA is engaged in biofuels research, resources estimation, development of renewable types of energy and promotion of the use of environmentfriendly fuels on both state and individual level.
Estonian Association of Electrical Enterprises
The objective of EAEE is to protect common interests of its member enterprises in vocational, technical and commercial issues on the field of electrical works and to ensure high professional level of its membership and the whole field of electrical works and constant development. EAEE is authorized to certify professions for electrical and automation works.
Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (officially abbreviated as ITL) is a voluntary organisation, whose primary objective is to unite the Estonian information technology and telecommunications companies, to promote their co-operation in Estonia's development towards information society, to represent and protect the interests of its member companies and to express their common positions. Main activities of the association include popularisation of information and communication technology (ICT), promotion of vocational education and amendment of legislation.
Estonian Organisation for Copyright Protection
EEOCP is a local anti-piracy unit which primary purpose is to protect the rights of the producers in music, film and interactive game industry and also to stand up for the rights of its members and to support their interests in Estonia. EOCP has a close co-operation with the police and customs. EOCP provides statements of experts on copyright violations to the courts and national investigation institutions. In fighting against Internet piracy EOCP closely co-operates with local Internet service providers.
Estonian Association of Interpreters And Translators
Association's members can provide interpretation and translation services in 23 working languages: Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish, German, Swedish, French, Danish, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Georgian, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Czech.
Estonian Association of Travel and Tourism
Arranges the every-day work of the association, communicates with national and international organisations, unions and companies.
Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce
Эстонская палата Агрикультуры и Коммерции предлагает помощь при финансировании бизнес партнеров, обменивается информацией о рынке и ценах, организует форумы и дни информации, а так же организует участие в ярмарках торговли в Эстонии и зарубежем. Палата координирует оценку качества еды и выдает Одобренный Эстонский знак качества производства и вкуса (изображенный в виде символа ласточки) и Одобренный знак качества (изображенный в виде символа креста). На знак ласточки могут подать заявки все производители, использующие Эстонское сырьё в своей продукции. На знак креста могут подать заявки компании Европейского Союза, которые находятся в Эстонии.
Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (Eace)
The E.A.C.E is a voluntary association of construction enterprises created in order to support and co-ordinate its members actions in matter of industry related economic issues and relations with employees and employee unions. The E.A.C.E is established in 1991 and reorganized in 1993. The Association of Construction Entrepreneurs is an open structure, enabling formation of both regional and professional sub-societies. In 1995 was formed sub-organization KATUSELIIT, which include flat roofs building companies. The Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs approximately unites 100 companies active in Estonia whose overall turnover comprises more than 45% of the construction turnover of the entire Republic.
Estonian Chamber of Real Estate Brokers
The main goals of organization are: - To guarantee the quality of the real estate broking service, to grant the right to work as real estate broker after the professional examination and to guarantee their professional skills and observance of good business traditions by the members of the Chamber, - To represent the members of the Chamber and to protect their common interests and rights in front of administrative authorities and in the court of law.
Estonian Hotels And Restaurants Association
The Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association is a representative organisation of employers that is public, voluntary and operates on democratic principles.
Estonian Public Relations Association
The Association brings together public relations professionals from all over Estonia. Its members are employed in public and private companies, public sector organisations, non-profit organisations and PR agencies. The Association has currently 72 active members. The highest body is a general meeting that elects a five-member board to co-ordinate the work of the Association. The term of office of the board is two years
Estonian Association of Designers
In the Estonian society EAD is known as the promoter of design awareness. For us, design does not mean the ‘make-up art’ of the substantial world, but rather, a process which serves as a connecting link between economy and culture, nature and technology, business and people. The invisible tasks of design are to develop a user-friendly environment and to provide additional value to entrepreneurship. At the same time we do not wish to encourage over-production of unnecessary products, but contribute in quality and sustainable products.
Estonian Association of Sme'S
The main goal of EVEA is to create a favourable entrepreneurial environment in Estonia as the basis for economic growth and social stability.
Estonian Pharmacists` Association
The Estonian Pharmacists’ Association is a non-profit association of pharmacies, which protects professional, social and economic rights, and interests of pharmacies and pharmacy employees.
European Movement Estonia
European Movement Estonia (EME) supports European integration and unites people and organisations that value European ideas.
Estonian Logistics And Freight Forwarding Association
ELFA is a volunteer association of legal persons engaged in international freight forwarding and the provision of logistics services. The objective of the organisation is to represent and protect the common professional interests of the members of ELFA, prevent unfair competition, and contribute to the development of legislation related to its area of activity and the distribution of all relevant information. In order to achieve the set objectives, ELFA organises sessions, prepares presentations, and co-operates with organisations and officials of Estonia and other countries. ELFA is a non-profit association.