Processing and preserving of potatoes
Juurviljaait OÜ
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Juurviljaait OÜ
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Emajõe 9, Tartu 51008, Tartu
Sajoli OÜ
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Sajoli OÜ
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Vana-Kuuste Kambja vald 62033, Tartumaa
Reola Köögiviljad OÜ
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Reola Köögiviljad OÜ
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Reola küla, Ülenurme vald 61707, Tartumaa
Balsnack International Holding AS
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Balsnack International Holding AS
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Ääsmäe, Saue vald 76402, Harjumaa