Legal data

  1. 40103529672
  2. LV40103529672
  3. 30.03.2012
  4. 30.03.2012
  5. Latgales iela 322, Rīga, LV-1063


Business development, Business plan, Process management, Project management, Product development, Internal communications, Business contact search, Business audit, Functional audit, Business process analysis, marketing analysis, product analysis, IT solutions, Customer Relationship Management, Customer portal, Customer Service Standards, Project preparation and writing, EU funds, EU structural funds, EU structural funds attraction, Project development, Project preparation to access funding, Human resources, Recruitment, New team recruitment, headhunting, Freelancers, freelancers, Freelancers, freelancers for project works, Trainings, courses, seminars, Full Service Marketing, sales promotion and public relations support, Customer relations management, CRM management, CRM, Marketing audit, Marketing performance evaluation, Marketing advice, Marketing strategies, Marketing plan development, Branding, Sales argument, Public relations, Advertising tests, Press release, advertorials.
