
  1. +371 20069911
  2. +371 22054685


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  • EUR 75637 / 2023
  • 4

Legal data

  1. 53603069351
  2. LV53603069351
  3. 16.04.2015
  4. Dobeles šoseja 4B, Jelgava, LV-3007
  5. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Elektroietaišu projektēšana
  2. Elektronisko sakaru sistēmu un tīklu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  3. Elektronisko sakaru sistēmu un tīklu projektēšana
  4. 19038
  5. Aktīvs


2023. in April the company "IPSYS pro" celebrated the 8th anniversary since it started operating in the field of security systems on the Latvian market. During these years, we have successfully engaged in various non-standard projects, in which we have fully realized the goals set by the client, we have even exceeded the client's expectations, thanks to the fact that we follow market trends and equipment capabilities.
Security systems are closely related to information technology, which is constantly and rapidly developing. To be, so to speak, ‘ in trend’, you need to continuously update your knowledge, which must be applied to clients' objects and solutions to their tasks as soon as possible. This means that we provide the most up-to-date and up-to-date information when meeting with clients.
Thus, the main directions of our activity are:
- video surveillance systems for both private homes and industrial facilities, integrating into the overall company system;
- automatic fire detection alarms and everything related to them, from installation to surveying, maintenance and repair of existing systems, as well as configuration, which would be one of the difficult stages;
- voice announcement systems;
- security alarm systems and everything related to them;
- access control systems;
- computer networks.
We are ready to listen to your set goal and find the most suitable solution together.



Video surveillance, security systems in Jelgava, Zemgale, Video surveillance cameras, video camera companies, institutions, for shops, industrial buildings and private houses, Installation, service, Videoservers, monitors, accessories, Information medium, Camera controls, Conventional fire protection panels, Smoke detectors, Fire safety control panels, Alarm buttons, Smoke extraction systems, Aspiration systems, Voice alarm notification systems, Central communication equipment, Call stations, Routers, Ceiling and wall speakers, Sound systems, Loudspeaker speakers, Access control systems, Power packs, Security system panels, Alarm detectors, Wireless alarm buttons, Ugunsdrošie kabeļi.
