Growing of non-perennial crops
Grauds-5, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Grauds-5, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Akācijas", Gārsene, Gārsenes pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5218
Auru grauds, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Auru grauds, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Ziņģi", Auru pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3710
Ezermaļu mežu īpašumi, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Ezermaļu mežu īpašumi, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Ezermaļi", Praulienas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4825
Ints & Co, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Ints & Co, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Dārzniecība", Gailīšu pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3931
Anēls, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Anēls, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Liuža , Kantinieku pagasts, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4621
Piekalnes, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Piekalnes, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Piekalnes", Vijciema pagasts, Valkas nov., LV-4733
Uzvara-Lauks, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Uzvara-Lauks, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Uzvara, Uzvaras 2, Gailīšu pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3931
Kurzemīte-K, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Kurzemīte-K, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Liepas , Kandavas pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3120
Marta un Matīss, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Marta un Matīss, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Jaunītes", Viļķenes pagasts, Limbažu nov. LV-4050
BIEĻAS 1, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
BIEĻAS 1, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Saules 7B, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201
Bārta Farmers' Cooperative Society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Bārta Farmers' Cooperative Society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Bārta , Bārtas pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3482
Durbes grauds, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Durbes grauds, cooperative society
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Lieģi, Celtnieku 2, Tadaiķu pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3447
Ziediņi, Farm
Fruit trees. Berry forest, raspberries, blackcurrant, redcurrant, gooseberries, chokeberries, quinces, strawberries, plums, cherries, ( sweet, sour) apple trees, pear trees, blackberry, blueberry shrubs, stem berries, thuja of different varieties, ornamental shrubs, seedlings, seedling trade, berry trade, thuyas, shrubs, fruit trees.
Ziediņi, Farm
Fruit trees. Berry forest, raspberries, blackcurrant, redcurrant, gooseberries, chokeberries, quinces, strawberries, plums, cherries, ( sweet, sour) apple trees, pear trees, blackberry, blueberry shrubs, stem berries, thuja of different varieties, ornamental shrubs, seedlings, seedling trade, berry trade, thuyas, shrubs, fruit trees.
"Ziediņi", Laureņi, Višķu pagasts, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5481