Growing of other perennial crops
Jauntaujāni, Farm
Jauntaujāni, Farm, farm, livestock breeding, Grain cultivation, grains, grain growing, grain trade, rape, rapeseed growing, rapeseed trade
Jauntaujāni, Farm
Jauntaujāni, Farm, farm, livestock breeding, Grain cultivation, grains, grain growing, grain trade, rape, rapeseed growing, rapeseed trade
"Taujāni", Salacgrīvas pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4054
K.D. Birojs, LTD

the gardens sing, Daina Kalniņa, bulb flowers, perennials, peonies, lilies, perennial plants, nursery in Ranka, plant nursery in Vidzeme, plant nurseries in Vidzeme, plant delivery, plant online store, gladiolus, gladiolus bulbs, lily bulbs, seedlings, hanging flower pots, mārtiņrozes, martin rose seedlings, marigold seedlings early,

K.D. Birojs, LTD
the gardens sing, Daina Kalniņa, bulb flowers, perennials, peonies, lilies, perennial plants, nursery in Ranka, plant nursery in Vidzeme, plant nurseries in Vidzeme, plant delivery, plant online store, gladiolus, gladiolus bulbs, lily bulbs, seedlings, hanging flower pots, mārtiņrozes, martin rose seedlings, marigold seedlings early,
"Dārzi 5", Ranka, Rankas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4416
Dzērvenīte A, Farm

Bush blueberries. Honey, beekeeping, different forest flower honey, natural, natural honey from forest flowers, home industry, natural candied fruit, pumpkin, cranberry, rhubarb, candied quince, cranberries, cranberry cultivation, cranberry juice, products from cranberries. Cranberry plants. Blueberry shrubs, Bush blueberries, trade(

Dzērvenīte A, Farm
Bush blueberries. Honey, beekeeping, different forest flower honey, natural, natural honey from forest flowers, home industry, natural candied fruit, pumpkin, cranberry, rhubarb, candied quince, cranberries, cranberry cultivation, cranberry juice, products from cranberries. Cranberry plants. Blueberry shrubs, Bush blueberries, trade(
Zvejnieku 28, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Bērziņi, Farm

Perennial flowers, perennials, flower plants, ornamental grasses, grass type wintergreens, grass, astilbe, winter asters, echinacea, crane’s bill, daylilies, heuchera, hostas, iris, daisy, ligularia, monarda, nepeta cataria, peonies, tree peonies, phlox, sage, saxifrage, mossy stonecrops, thyme, trillium, caerulea, miscanthus, sarre,

Bērziņi, Farm
Perennial flowers, perennials, flower plants, ornamental grasses, grass type wintergreens, grass, astilbe, winter asters, echinacea, crane’s bill, daylilies, heuchera, hostas, iris, daisy, ligularia, monarda, nepeta cataria, peonies, tree peonies, phlox, sage, saxifrage, mossy stonecrops, thyme, trillium, caerulea, miscanthus, sarre,
"Bērziņu noliktava", Pope, Popes pagasts, Ventspils nov., LV-3614
Ogu aģentūra, LTD

Roof cleaning, roof washing, facade cleaning, facade washing, cleaning of solar panels, cleaning of glazed facades, washing of glazed facades, window washing, high-pressure washing of pavement, high pressure, low pressure, high pressure cleaning services, washing the pavement in South Kurzeme, roof, facade washing, window cleaning in Liepāja,

Ogu aģentūra, LTD
Roof cleaning, roof washing, facade cleaning, facade washing, cleaning of solar panels, cleaning of glazed facades, washing of glazed facades, window washing, high-pressure washing of pavement, high pressure, low pressure, high pressure cleaning services, washing the pavement in South Kurzeme, roof, facade washing, window cleaning in Liepāja,
Miera 39, Liepāja, LV-3411
Dārznieki 1, Farm

Gardening, season - tomatoes, salads, Rose wholesale, season, may-september, Roses, rose plants, Calla, Flower decors, funeral wreaths, funeral bouquets, bouquets, Funeral bouquets, wedding bouquets, greeting bouquets, Bridal bouquets, Flower trade, floristry, Rose, calla lily trade, Compositions.

Dārznieki 1, Farm
Gardening, season - tomatoes, salads, Rose wholesale, season, may-september, Roses, rose plants, Calla, Flower decors, funeral wreaths, funeral bouquets, bouquets, Funeral bouquets, wedding bouquets, greeting bouquets, Bridal bouquets, Flower trade, floristry, Rose, calla lily trade, Compositions.
Dārznieku ceļš 4, Bauska, Bauskas nov. LV-3901
Aiva X, LTD

Tree nursery in Limbazi, seedlings, plants in Limbazi, Plant trade in Limbazi, flower plants, pansies, summer flower plants, pelargoniums, begonias, petunias, hanging petunia, fuchsia, bacopa, annual flower plants, compositions in pots. cucumber plants, tomato seedlings, herbs, greening, greening in Vidzeme, greening in Limbaži, plants in

Aiva X, LTD
Tree nursery in Limbazi, seedlings, plants in Limbazi, Plant trade in Limbazi, flower plants, pansies, summer flower plants, pelargoniums, begonias, petunias, hanging petunia, fuchsia, bacopa, annual flower plants, compositions in pots. cucumber plants, tomato seedlings, herbs, greening, greening in Vidzeme, greening in Limbaži, plants in
Rīgas 40, Limbaži, Limbažu nov. LV-4001
Pūres dārzkopības izmēģinājumu stacija, JSC

Seeds and plants, growing, trade, wholesale, crop farming, vegetable seeds, fruit trees, berry forest, seedlings, apple trees, pear trees, plums, sweet cherries, sour cherries, garden rakes, redcurrant, blackcurrant, raspberries, blackberry, gooseberries, currants, big nuts hazels, japanese quince, chokeberries, kaukaz`s plums, hedges,

Pūres dārzkopības izmēģinājumu stacija, JSC
Seeds and plants, growing, trade, wholesale, crop farming, vegetable seeds, fruit trees, berry forest, seedlings, apple trees, pear trees, plums, sweet cherries, sour cherries, garden rakes, redcurrant, blackcurrant, raspberries, blackberry, gooseberries, currants, big nuts hazels, japanese quince, chokeberries, kaukaz`s plums, hedges,
Abavas 2, Pūre, Pūres pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3124
Sabiles rozes, LTD

Seedlings, seedling trade, plant nursery. Seedlings in Kurzeme, sale of rose seedlings, sale of rose seedlings, rose plants, plant nursery, seeds and plants, plant nursery, nursery Jurmala, In Latvia grown plants, quality seedlings, roses, creepers, ornamental plants, Roses, rose plants, tea hybrid roses, floribund roses, shrub roses, park

Sabiles rozes, LTD
Seedlings, seedling trade, plant nursery. Seedlings in Kurzeme, sale of rose seedlings, sale of rose seedlings, rose plants, plant nursery, seeds and plants, plant nursery, nursery Jurmala, In Latvia grown plants, quality seedlings, roses, creepers, ornamental plants, Roses, rose plants, tea hybrid roses, floribund roses, shrub roses, park
"Smiltiņi", Abavas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3294
Tiečas, Farm

Vegetable gardening, grain growing, food retail, food wholesale, wholesale of vegetables, wholesale of fresh vegetables, carrot wholesale, potato wholesale, wholesale beet, wholesale of beetroot, cabbage wholesale, table beets, grain growing, grain wholesale, pork production, pork selling, home pork, agricultural land rent, purchase of

Tiečas, Farm
Vegetable gardening, grain growing, food retail, food wholesale, wholesale of vegetables, wholesale of fresh vegetables, carrot wholesale, potato wholesale, wholesale beet, wholesale of beetroot, cabbage wholesale, table beets, grain growing, grain wholesale, pork production, pork selling, home pork, agricultural land rent, purchase of
"Tiečas", Slampes pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3119
Agro-Dzelzava, LTD

Livestock breeding: cattle, grain cultivation. Milk production, agricultural products. Milk production complex Vārpas. Sale of acid feed.

Agro-Dzelzava, LTD
Livestock breeding: cattle, grain cultivation. Milk production, agricultural products. Milk production complex Vārpas. Sale of acid feed.
"Vārpas", Dzelzavas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4873
Pakalni, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Pakalni, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Batarāgi , Dricānu pagasts, Rēzeknes nov. LV-4615
Anšķinaiši, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Anšķinaiši, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Anšķinaiši", Bukaišu pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3714
Jaunzemgaļi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Jaunzemgaļi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Jaunzemgaļi", Penkules pagasts, Dobeles nov. LV-3725
Eglat, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Eglat, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Ozolāji", Lažas pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3456
Kalnalīves, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Kalnalīves, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Kalnalīves", Daukstu pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4429
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Brīvnieki", Ģibuļu pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3297
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Puša, Jaunatnes 3-15, Pušas pagasts, Rēzeknes nov. LV-4635
Pilgaard, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Pilgaard, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Silmalas", Leimaņu pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5223
Silaine, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Silaine, LTD
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Dzeguzēni , Augstkalnes pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3709
Aronmūrnieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Aronmūrnieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Aronmūrnieki", Mārcienas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4852
Avotiņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Avotiņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Šķeltova , Šķeltovas pagasts, Krāslavas nov., LV-5653
Aņģi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Aņģi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Glāznieki", Bērzes pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3732
Bitenieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Bitenieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Siliņu 34, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5201
Brīvzemnieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Brīvzemnieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Brīvzemnieki", Lībagu pagasts, Talsu nov. LV-3258