Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food beverages or tobacco
Birznieki, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Birznieki, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Rozēni , Staiceles pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4043
Daira, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Daira, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Andrupene , Andrupenes pagasts, Krāslavas nov., LV-5687
Dzeņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dzeņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Dzeņi", Feimaņi, Feimaņu pagasts, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4623
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Saldes", Iesalnieki, Jersikas pagasts, Līvānu nov., LV-5316
Noviki, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Noviki, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Sila 2B, Zasa, Zasas pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5239
Sūrupes, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Sūrupes, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Baznīcas 15, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Kalmes, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Kalmes, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Liepari , Lazdukalna pagasts, Balvu nov., LV-4577
Riekstiņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Riekstiņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Riekstiņi", Jaungulbenes pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4420
Sapnis, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Sapnis, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Vienības 91, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov. LV-5601
Kurzemīte, Sole proprietorship
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Kurzemīte, Sole proprietorship
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Pūņu Krogs", Pūņas, Valdgales pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3253
Anvis, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Anvis, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Liepu aleja 15A, Babīte, Babītes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2101
Bišjānīši, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Bišjānīši, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Bišjānīši", Ķūļciems, Ķūļciema pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3283
Gabriēla, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Gabriēla, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dundaga, Talsu 1, Dundagas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3270
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Brīvības 56, Liepāja LV-3401
Monēta, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Monēta, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Kabatiņa", Jaunauce, Jaunauces pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3893
Pīlādzis, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pīlādzis, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Ceriņu 9B, Vecumnieki, Vecumnieku pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3933
Romārs, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Romārs, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Friča Brīvzemnieka 36, Liepāja LV-3401
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dzirnavu 8, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Aleks S, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Aleks S, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Durbes 40, Ventspils, LV-3601
Aleks-10, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Aleks-10, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Lībiešu 13, Jūrmala, LV-2016
Alfa 2, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Alfa 2, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Atmodas 27, Aizpute, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3456
Alta S, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Alta S, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pils 29, Alūksne, Alūksnes nov., LV-4301
Anta & Ko, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Anta & Ko, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Oāze", Silakrogs, Ropažu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2133
Arka Preiļi, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Arka Preiļi, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Brīvības 75B, Preiļi, Preiļu nov., LV-5301
Aro A.O., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Aro A.O., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Alkšņi", Lizuma pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4425