Production of electricity from renewable sources
Grev, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Grev, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
"Grīvnieki", Mazzalves pagasts, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5133
Janovskis, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Janovskis, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Brīvības 49, Viļāni, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4650
Rosme, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Rosme, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Madonas 6, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5202
Strelēcija, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Strelēcija, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Romas 48, Jelgava LV-3001
Vanka, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Vanka, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Graudu 8, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Celtnieku 23A, Liepāja, LV-3401
Latvenergo, JSC
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Latvenergo, JSC
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Pulkveža Brieža 12, Rīga, LV-1010
Novators, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Novators, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Viskaļu 87, Jelgava, LV-3008
Brandeļu HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Brandeļu HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Brandeļi , Kocēnu pagasts, Valmieras nov. LV-4220
Spridzēnu HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Spridzēnu HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Jāņa Zābera 8, Madona, Madonas nov., LV-4801
Zaņas ūdensdzirnavas, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Zaņas ūdensdzirnavas, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
"Zaņas Dzirnavas", Zaņas pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3897
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Production of electricity from renewable sources
"Āžu dzirnavu HES", Tirzas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4424
Amatas HES, LTD
Production of electricity from non-renewable sources
Amatas HES, LTD
Production of electricity from non-renewable sources
Kārļi , Drabešu pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4139
Grūbe-Hidro, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Grūbe-Hidro, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
"Grūbes", Apes pagasts, Smiltenes nov., LV-4337
Krīgaļu dzirnavas, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Krīgaļu dzirnavas, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
"Krīgaļu Dzirnavas", Nītaures pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4112
Latgales enerģētika, JSC
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Latgales enerģētika, JSC
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Dārzu 22-5, Rēzekne LV-4601
Ranka Hidro, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Ranka Hidro, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Rūdolfa Blaumaņa 2, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
Cīruļu Robežnieki, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Cīruļu Robežnieki, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
"Robežnieki", Viļķenes pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4050
GA 21, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
GA 21, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
"Zāģeru Dzirnavas", Amatas pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4141
Gaujas hidroelektrostacija, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Gaujas hidroelektrostacija, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Rūdolfa Blaumaņa 2, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Gaides 10, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
Ogres HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Ogres HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Brīvības 124/126, Ogre, Ogres nov. LV-5001
Vadakstes HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Vadakstes HES, LTD
Production of electricity from renewable sources
Vangaļu ceļš 18, Jelgava LV-3003
Dzirnavas-K, LTD
Production of electricity from non-renewable sources
Dzirnavas-K, LTD
Production of electricity from non-renewable sources
"Kārlīšu dzirnavas", Dikļu pagasts, Valmieras nov. LV-4223
Nagļu HES, LTD
Production of electricity from non-renewable sources
Nagļu HES, LTD
Production of electricity from non-renewable sources
Nagļi , Nagļu pagasts, Rēzeknes nov. LV-4631