Test drilling and boring
Geolite, LTD

Mineral deposit extraction project. Research work. Geotechnical research for buildings, Topographical survey, Quarry project, Drilling works, Bore-holes, Laboratory works, Hydrogeology, Geoecological research and monitoring, Inventory audit and inventory for existing deposits, quarry, natural resources. Engineering technical

Geolite, LTD
Mineral deposit extraction project. Research work. Geotechnical research for buildings, Topographical survey, Quarry project, Drilling works, Bore-holes, Laboratory works, Hydrogeology, Geoecological research and monitoring, Inventory audit and inventory for existing deposits, quarry, natural resources. Engineering technical
Jāņa Čakstes gatve 33, Rīga, LV-1076
Geoteh, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Geoteh, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Starta 7, Rīga, LV-1026
Advors, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Advors, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Upīte, Akas laukums 4, Šķilbēnu pagasts, Balvu nov. LV-4587
Kripto, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Kripto, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Brīvības gatve 362, Rīga LV-1006
BG Invest, LTD
Test drilling and boring
BG Invest, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Rīgas 45 - 34, Līvāni, Līvānu nov., LV-5316
Greenland Capital, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Greenland Capital, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Cēsu 12-4a, Rīga, LV-1012
Komunālprojekts izpēte, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Komunālprojekts izpēte, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Aleksandra Čaka 114-14/15, Rīga LV-1012
Balticgeo, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Balticgeo, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Pirmā 35-54, Ādaži, Ādažu nov., LV-2164
Latgales artēziskā aka, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Latgales artēziskā aka, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Rencēnu 23, Rīga, LV-1073
Arhajs, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Arhajs, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Ģimnāzijas 8B - 17, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Vides konsultāciju birojs, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Vides konsultāciju birojs, LTD
Test drilling and boring
Ezermalas 28, Rīga, LV-1014