Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
Kurklių karjeras, UAB
gravel, concrete, Sand, reclamation works, excavation of ponds, road building, roads repair, concrete fillings, sale of gravel, sale of sand, sales of crushed stone, certified, yard equipment, pavement equipment, desired coating, landscaping works, rent of technique, rent of transportation, freight transportation
Kurklių karjeras, UAB
gravel, concrete, Sand, reclamation works, excavation of ponds, road building, roads repair, concrete fillings, sale of gravel, sale of sand, sales of crushed stone, certified, yard equipment, pavement equipment, desired coating, landscaping works, rent of technique, rent of transportation, freight transportation
Kavarsko g. 12, Kurkliai, 29234 Anykščių r.
Anykščių kvarcas, AB
aggregates, water filters, Covering with sand, castings, Anykščiai
Anykščių kvarcas, AB
aggregates, water filters, Covering with sand, castings, Anykščiai
Troškūnų g. 5, 29100 Anykščiai