Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Bardra, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Bardra, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Kirtimų g. 57B (Paneriai), 02189 Vilnius
Stungaičių malūnas, ŽŪKB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Stungaičių malūnas, ŽŪKB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Stungaičiai, 75381 Šilalės r.
EkoAgro Probiotikai, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
EkoAgro Probiotikai, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Savanorių a. 12, 35101 Panevėžys
Goldengrass, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Goldengrass, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Usėnų k., 99314 Šilutės r.
Arivet, UAB
Veterinary activities
Arivet, UAB
Veterinary activities
Raudondvario pl. 106, 47178 Kaunas
Šiaurinė lapė, UAB
Raising of other animals
Šiaurinė lapė, UAB
Raising of other animals
Pavartyčiai, 82215 Radviliškio r.
Ekoproduktas, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Ekoproduktas, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Trakiškio g. 24, 35115 Panevėžys
Zelvė, AB
Manufacture of leather and related products
Zelvė, AB
Manufacture of leather and related products
Daučiuliškės, 21364 Elektrėnų sav.
Amilina, AB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Amilina, AB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
J. Janonio g. 12, 35101 Panevėžys
Kauno grūdai, AB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Kauno grūdai, AB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
H. ir O. Minkovskių g. 63 (Aleksotas), 46550 Kaunas
Paringuvio ūkis, Z. Dominausko įmonė
Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur
Paringuvio ūkis, Z. Dominausko įmonė
Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur
Voveriškiai, 77194 Šiaulių r.
Vilkijos ūkis, AB
Raising of other animals
Vilkijos ūkis, AB
Raising of other animals
Vilkija, 54224 Kauno r.
Šakių rajono Kubilių žemės ūkio bendrovė
rape, cereal, milk, grain cultures, corn
Šakių rajono Kubilių žemės ūkio bendrovė
rape, cereal, milk, grain cultures, corn
Nemuno g. 4, Kubiliai, 71486 Šakių r.
Ruvera, UAB
Support activities for crop production
Ruvera, UAB
Support activities for crop production
Žemaitės g. 145, 76139 Šiauliai
Joniškio grūdai, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Joniškio grūdai, UAB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Žemaitės g. 1, 84147 Joniškis
Kretingos grūdai, AB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Kretingos grūdai, AB
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
Tiekėjų g. 41, 97123 Kretinga
Fasma, S. Krivicko įmonė
grain purchase, buckwheat hull mattresses, services of logistic, mixed feed
Fasma, S. Krivicko įmonė
grain purchase, buckwheat hull mattresses, services of logistic, mixed feed
Valstiečių g. 2, 82144 Radviliškis
Biofabrikas, UAB
Vet pharmacy, vet shop, milk re placer, boar, wild boar, goat, sheep, deer, calf, horse, cattle, milking cow, dairy cattle, licking salt, licking block, vitamin, mineral, additive, rodent, poison, mouse, rat, chicken, gosling, turkey, cock, poult, duckling, duck, goose, geese, hen, layer, carp, industrial carp, koi carp, rabbit, racing horse,
Biofabrikas, UAB
Vet pharmacy, vet shop, milk re placer, boar, wild boar, goat, sheep, deer, calf, horse, cattle, milking cow, dairy cattle, licking salt, licking block, vitamin, mineral, additive, rodent, poison, mouse, rat, chicken, gosling, turkey, cock, poult, duckling, duck, goose, geese, hen, layer, carp, industrial carp, koi carp, rabbit, racing horse,
Statikų g. 9, Statikų k., 20123 Ukmergės r.