Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles
Dauvidės prekyba, UAB
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
Dauvidės prekyba, UAB
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
Ramygalos g. 149C, 36220 Panevėžys
Margava, UAB
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
Margava, UAB
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
Vasaros g. 19, 68114 Marijampolė
Radviliškio autocentras, UAB
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
Radviliškio autocentras, UAB
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
A. Povyliaus g. 2A, 82160 Radviliškis
Sv servisas, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Sv servisas, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Žemaičių g. 67, 84163 Joniškis
Regitra, VĮ
Legal activities
Regitra, VĮ
Legal activities
Liepkalnio g. 97 (Naujininkai), 02121 Vilnius
Alto servisas, UAB
Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Alto servisas, UAB
Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Kalniečių g. 104 (Žaliakalnis), 50184 Kaunas
Baltijos sunkvežimių servisas, UAB
technical service, repairs, of trucks, VOLVO, repair of lorries, of trucks, repairs, trucks, engine
Baltijos sunkvežimių servisas, UAB
technical service, repairs, of trucks, VOLVO, repair of lorries, of trucks, repairs, trucks, engine
Svajonės g. 10, 92308 Klaipėda
Autobela, įgaliotas CITROEN atstovas Vilniaus regione, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Autobela, įgaliotas CITROEN atstovas Vilniaus regione, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Molėtų pl. 172, 14259 Vilnius
Heilit, UAB
Wholesale of mining, construction and civil engineering machinery
Heilit, UAB
Wholesale of mining, construction and civil engineering machinery
Varnių g. 12, 91268 Klaipėda
Vičiūnai, UAB
Freight transport by road
Vičiūnai, UAB
Freight transport by road
Karaliaus Mindaugo pr. 38, 44307 Kaunas
Falck Lietuva, UAB
Service activities incidental to land transportation
Falck Lietuva, UAB
Service activities incidental to land transportation
Savanorių pr. 173 (Vilkpėdė), 02241 Vilnius
Vedautos autotransportas, UAB
Freight transport by road
Vedautos autotransportas, UAB
Freight transport by road
Ukmergės g. 19, 55101 Jonava
Manvesta, UAB
Other transportation support activities
Manvesta, UAB
Other transportation support activities
P. Paulaičio g. 13B, 74111 Jurbarkas
Dojus agro, UAB
Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment
Dojus agro, UAB
Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment
Palangos g. 2-32 (Senamiestis), 01118 Vilnius
Freight transport by road
Freight transport by road
Jankiškių g. 43A, 02300 Vilnius
Fastbalt, parduotuvė, UAB Astela
Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Fastbalt, parduotuvė, UAB Astela
Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Savanorių pr. 174P, 03153 Vilnius
Vytaro transportas, UAB
Other transportation support activities
Vytaro transportas, UAB
Other transportation support activities
Savanorių pr. 178, 03154 Vilnius
Ferikas, UAB
Wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Ferikas, UAB
Wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Pakalnės g. 5B, Domeikava, 54354 Kauno r.
A. Žukausko autoservisas, UAB AZS
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
A. Žukausko autoservisas, UAB AZS
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Kertupio g. 16, Neveronys, 54487 Kauno r.
Keturtaktis, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Keturtaktis, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
J. Basanavičiaus g. 89, 57357 Kėdainiai
DP Servisas, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
DP Servisas, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Dariaus ir Girėno g. 2 (Naujininkai), 02158 Vilnius
Hidrorema, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Hidrorema, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
J. Janonio g. 3, 35101 Panevėžys
Alytaus altas, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Alytaus altas, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
A. Jonyno g. 12B, 62175 Alytus
Tercija, UAB
Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Tercija, UAB
Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Krokuvos g. 8 (Šnipiškės), 09314 Vilnius
BM service, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
BM service, UAB
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Vyturių g. 30, Gargždai, 96146 Klaipėdos r.