Wholesale of meat and meat products
Marjūra, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Marjūra, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Vytauto g. 77-7, 72252 Tauragė
Rimtava, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Rimtava, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Prūsų g. 9A (Šilainiai), 47127 Kaunas
Galvetas, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Galvetas, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Kniaudiškių g. 35-18, 37115 Panevėžys
Romversa, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Romversa, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Šilutės pl. 56, 94105 Klaipėda
Broileta, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Broileta, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Birštono g. 41, Birštono vienk., 59219 Birštono sav.
Ernida, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Ernida, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Molainių g. 8-30, 37142 Panevėžys
Koredona, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Koredona, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Juodalaukis, 13133 Vilniaus r.
Leketai, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Leketai, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Patašinės g., Patašinė, 69104 Marijampolės sav.
Vamėsa, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Vamėsa, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Čečetai 7, 69394 Kazlų Rūdos sav.
Vilesa, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Vilesa, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Akmeniai, 38475 Panevėžio r.
Daigintras, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Daigintras, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Partizanų g. 55-16 (Dainava), 49285 Kaunas
Euroaltus, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Euroaltus, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Pramonės g. 16M, 62175 Alytus
Gektar, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Gektar, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Nugalėtojų g. 23A (Antakalnis), 10105 Vilnius
Agromeat, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Agromeat, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
V. A. Graičiūno g. 22 (Paneriai), 02241 Vilnius
Dafri, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Dafri, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Kirtimų g. 49 (Paneriai), 02244 Vilnius
Baltoji lūšis, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Baltoji lūšis, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Klevų g. -, Vaivadų k., 38444 Panevėžio r.
Mėsos eksportas, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Mėsos eksportas, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
J. Jasinskio g. 16, PD 1781 (Naujamiestis), 03163 Vilnius
N. Jasiuvian IĮ
Wholesale of meat and meat products
N. Jasiuvian IĮ
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Smolensko g. 13-9 (Naujamiestis), 03201 Vilnius
J. Staros IĮ
Wholesale of meat and meat products
J. Staros IĮ
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Verpėjų g. 21, 97155 Kretinga
K. Žaromskienės įmonė
Wholesale of meat and meat products
K. Žaromskienės įmonė
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Perekšliai, 38386 Panevėžio r.
R. Putrimo įmonė
Wholesale of meat and meat products
R. Putrimo įmonė
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Ežero g. 10, Svėdasai, 29352 Anykščių r.
D. Remeikos įmonė
Wholesale of meat and meat products
D. Remeikos įmonė
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Gimnazijos g. 9-40, 41143 Biržai
Delikana, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Delikana, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Daugėlių g. 11, Neveronys, 54484 Kauno r.
Glardo versmė, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Glardo versmė, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Vytauto g. 6 (Žvėrynas), 08118 Vilnius
Westfleisch Baltika, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Westfleisch Baltika, UAB
Wholesale of meat and meat products
Taikos pr. 88A, 51182 Kaunas