Association of Latvian Travel Agents
Association of Latvian Travel Agents and Operators is a profesional public orgnization estabslished by merger of travel agents and tour-operators in order to found, on the grounds of common business and equality and within the frame of law and their Statute, an amalgamated managerial institution to coordinate business activities of travel agents and tour-operators, protect their interests and represent Latvian travel business on the world`s scale.
Association of Road Carriers "Latvijas Auto"
The Association was established on March 23, 1990. Road Carriers Association "Latvijas Auto" is a non-governmental organization uniting Latvian companies involved in road transportation of goods and passengers. Members of "Latvijas Auto" offer road transportation of goods and passenger's services to more then 30 countries of world.
Latvian Builders Association
Latvian Builders Association is working to bring together building professionals for a successful and sustainable construction development in our country and if there are any opportunities also beyond country boundaries. LBA has entered into official cooperation agreements with several European country building associations - with Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Germany and other countries. Association tasks include active participation in drafting of industry development concept and strategy proposals, in creation of industry specialist professional training system, in preparation and development of industry laws and regulations, including regulations of construction tenders.
Latvian National Electronic Media Council
National Electronic Media Council is an independent full-fledged autonomous institution that, within its jurisdiction, represents the public interest in electronic media sphere. Council monitors that during its activities would be observed Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, Electronic Media Law and other laws and regulations. The Council is a derived public person. National Electronic Media Council acts in accordance with requirements of Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, Electronic Media Law and other laws and regulations
Latvian Logistics Association
Latvian Association of Logistics was founded on November 5, 1997, and registered in the ER of Republic of Latvia on November 14, 1997. As of 2010, the Association is a member of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Latvian Pedigree Horse Breeder Association
The association was established with an aim to implement Latvian breed horse selection, to serve for protection of horse breeder common interests and avoid previous failures in Latvian breed breeding program implementation. The most important task is creation of united horse-breeding development system in the country, where each with horse-breeding related organization - V/A LDC, LŠZAA, LZB, LJF and LLU - would have its own sphere of activity, which would fall within the common system.
Latvian Association of Certified Auditors
The Latvian Association of Certified Auditors (LACA) is an independent professional corporation that was founded in 1994 according to the Law on Certified Auditors. Presently LACA incorporates 168 certified auditors and 144 firms of certified auditors. The aim of LACA is to facilitate the development of audit profession on the national level and to ensure that the firms of certified auditors operate according to the International Standards on Auditing. LACA is a member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and its operations are based on the statutes of IFAC members that are equally binding for all professional auditors all around the world. At the same time LACA is a member of the Federation of European Accountants (FEE) and within this framework it participates in elaboration of laws and regulations for professional accountants.
Motorcycle Club Association of Latvia
Mc Association is a unique motorist support fund, "union" and "insurance company" at the same time. Mc Association aim is to strengthen motobrotherhood in Latvia, to promote motorcycle club cooperation to reach common goals, to raise motorcycle club prestige and positive reputation in the public, as well as, if necessary, to provide mutual assistance in legal, medical assistance, etc. issues.
Latvian Forest Certification Council
Established in 2001, the public organisation Latvian Forest Certification Council (LFCC) (Latvijas mežu sertifikācijas padome) aims to build and keep up public awareness of sustainable forestry and use certification as a tool to promote environment-friendly, socially beneficial, and economically viable forest management in Latvia.
Latvian Higher Education Council
Council Of Higher Education (CHE) is an independent institution of Republic of Latvia that develops higher education national strategy, implements university, government institution and public co-operation in higher education development, monitors higher education quality, provides qualitative higher education related decision-making.
Latvian Waste Management Association
Waste Management Association of Latvia was founded in 1994. Its aim is to promote the improvement of surrounding environmental quality and its arrangement, members - (on September, 2012) - 32 legal entities, 28 individuals, a total of 60 members.
Latvian Association of Architects
Latvian Architects Association (LAA) is a non-governmental organization that unites Latvian professional architects. LAA main directions: maintenance of professional guidelines, architecture policy drafting, participation in development of industry laws and regulations; cooperation with related organizations in Latvia and abroad, information exchange and representation in international architect organizations, etc.
Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
We aim to be the primary information source regarding Finnish and Latvian business related matters and work together with local authorities to enable the use of the local infrastructure while striving towards its goals. We have also gathered a large cross section of business know-how and an active member base.
Forest Owners Society
Latvian Forest Owners' Association (LFOA) is a non-governmental organization. One of the basic principles of the Association is openness - any forest owner can turn to us, get acquainted with the basic documents of the LFOA and submit application to join the organization.There are both big and small forest owners in LFOA, as well as companies and local governments who are forest owners or the property holders.
Latvian Authorized Automobile Dealers Association
Latvian Authorized Automobile Dealers Association (LAADA) in 1994 was founded by 12 Latvian new car sales companies. LAADA's priority is to defend the interests of its members in collaboration with various government institutions and to ensure compliance with consumer interests in relation to car warranty liabilities and car service station provided services.
Association, Society of Heat, Gas and Water Technology Engineers of Latvia
Society "Association of Heat, Gas and Water Technology Engineers of Latvia" (LSGŪTIS) was founded on May 23, 1991. At the moment is unites 355 professionals engaged in real engineering work or teaches in universities. Association sets the strategy for industry development and implements it with the help of its members, develops and adjusts industry national standards, conducts project and research consulting and independent expertise, sets requirements for educational institution programs, where learns or studies the future industry specialists, certifies individuals in design, assembly and operation work management in heat supply, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, gas supply, water supply and drainage, as well as energy audit field.
Baltic Council For International Education, Association, British Exams Centre
The aim of the Baltic Council is to help raise the academic, professional and language levels of the Baltic States’ population and to develop and strengthen cultural, academic and public links with the rest of Europe and the world through collaboration with educational institutions, state, private and public organizations, national and local tourist and educational authorities, accommodation services, educational agencies, mass media and other organizations in different countries.
ABLV Charitable Foundation
ABLV Charitable Foundation is a corporative charity fund facilitating social responsibility of society and business for the people around us and the environment, where we work.The Fund supports creative people and outstanding organizations that direct their efforts and knowledge to achieving goals important for the whole society – to create a strong state of Latvia and a united society having enough to live on.
Latvia Real Estate Dealers Association
Latvia Real Estate Dealers Association (LANĪDA) is an independent, voluntary public organization, which brings together real estate agents and agent assistants. Among its members currently are in Latvia famous and in real estate market themselves proven real estate firms. The objectives of the Association is to promote its members' knowledge and skills improvement and development, to promote their professional activities.
Association of International Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Association of International Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (SIFFA) is an open, voluntary public organization. SIFFA's goal is to promote pharmaceutical company activities in Latvia, improve quality of health care, increase level of doctor, pharmacist and society education and knowledge, as well as in collaboration with state institutions to promote and support pharmaceutical product organized market development.
Latvian Traders Association
You have your own business - a shop, a café, a pub! You work hard and plan to develop! However, it is easier, better and safer to work when you are not alone, if you feel the shoulder and support of colleges. You will have it when you become a member of the biggest public professional organization - Latvian Traders Association. Latvian Traders Association (LTA) is founded in April 1994 and now it unite more than 600 voluntarily joined business people who are engaged in trade, catering and services. Associations role - promoting its members' business consolidation and development.
Latvian Federation of Food Enterprises
The Latvian Federation of Food Enterprises is the only food-processing multi-branch nongovernmental organization, bringing together entrepreneurs and professional associations, promoting producers interests in all stages of the food production process, supporting and representing food producers in relations with state and nongovernmental organizations, bringing over food producers suggestions and opinion to the legislators and providing informative support to the members of LPUF.
Latvian Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry Association
The members of the association wish their job, as well as the job in the association, to move basing on the principles of free enterprise, fair competition and trade of Europe and the world, and the conditions would be fair and similar to all enterprises.
Latvian Chamber of Crafts
Latvian Chamber of Crafts is a self-government organization for professional craftsmen which encourage the development of craft trades in Latvia.
Danish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
DCCL provides a forum for active Danish and Latvian business entities through which, as members of DCCL, they have the opportunity to meet and speak with leading representatives from governmental as well as business associations related with Latvia and/or Denmark.
Latvian Crayfish and Fish Farmers' Association
LVZAA is a public organization which was founded on September 21, 1998. In its operations, coordinating public, private society, environmental protection and biological diversity conservation and commercial interests LVZAA has contributed to development and introduction of new environment-friendly technologies in crayfish breeding centres and farms. LVZAA has launched a wide range of international activities in cooperation with Finland, Norway, Sweden etc.
Latvian National Project Management Association
Latvian National Project Management Association (LNPVA) is the only internationally recognized professional association of project managers in Latvia. (LNPVA) is a public organization, founded on July 9, 1998. Association is a member of International Project Management Association IPMA - since September 18, 1999.
Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry
Main fields of activities - participation in industry business development concepts and strategies for developing proposals. Representing the interests of members in governmental organizations, participating in creation of relevant legislative acts. Legal assistance and consulting organization, informing association members about the laws of the professional, economic and social outcomes. Industry market research. Developing international relations. Taking care of information exchange. Supporting common activities and providing training.
Latvian Press Publishers Association
Since April 1993, the organization has been operating as the Latvian Association of Press Publishers, so as its basic goal setting work directly related to print media industry development policy matters, while also advocating for compliance with press freedom principles and against press monopolization trends.
Latvian Internet Association
Latvian Internet Association (LIA) was founded in July, 2000. It is a public organization that unites Latvian businessmen that operates in diverse Internet service sphere and are interested in the development of Internet environment in Latvia. LIA main objective is strengthening, development and promotion of widely available Internet environment in Latvia.
Latvian Association of Commercial Banks
The Association of Commercial Banks of Latvia is an association that unites on voluntary principle the banks registered in Latvia and branches of foreign banks. The purpose of the Association is to contribute to strengthening and developing the banking system of Latvia. Association was founded on July 23, 1992 and is one of the oldest businessmen organizations in Latvia. It represents the interests of banks in different level institutions and coordinates bank common problem solving, as well as provides consultative assistance to its members.
Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
The Mission of the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia (NCCL) is to develop cooperation and a business network between Norwegian and Latvian companies, promoting fair and reciprocal trade. The Chamber serves as a platform for mutual interests through various events, both formal and informal ones. Established in 2007, the NCCL have already gained an active membership of 55 members.The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia is a non-governmental, non-profit organization.
Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia
The Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia is an organisation that unites hotels, guest houses, motels and restaurants for a professional cooperation.
Latvian Advertising Association
Latvian Advertising Association is a public organization established in 1994, with a goal to unite three parties working in the advertising industry - advertisers, media and agencies. From its very beginning the association main tasks are to arrange the advertising market, improving the quality of advertisements, creating a positive image of advertising in public and fighting against a new law drafting that would limit advertising placement in the media.
Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
The SCC in Latvia is an independent legal entity based in Riga, Latvia. Established on June 19th, 1996. The Chamber is a non-governmental, non-profit association. Membership is determined by application to the SCC in Latvia board. The Chamber has 104 members representing a large range of industries. These include forestry, construction, textiles manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade and services such as banking, telecom, audit facilities, consultation, information technology, hotels, Education and other.
Latvian Fuel Traders Association
LATVIAN FUEL TRADERS ASSOCIATION is a public organisation that unites in Latvia legal and physical persons aimed at promoting the sale of fuel and other oil products as well as engaging in other joint activities that are described in the Articles of Incorporation.
Latvian National Group of International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, AIPPI
Latvian National Group of International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI LNG) is association of Latvian natural and legal persons.
Association of Latvian Printing Companies
Association of Latvian Printing Companies was founded on April 18, 1997, in public organization register it was registered on May 27, 1997, but in Register of Associations and Foundations- on September 13, 2004. Currently, the association brings together 46 legal entities whose activities are related to the printing industry: production of printed matter, trade of printing equipment and materials, industry professional and further education.
Copyright and Communication Consulting Agency/Latvian Copyright Agency, Association
The Latvian authors' society AKKA / LAA (Autortiesību un komunicēšanās konsultāciju aģentūra / Latvijas Autoru apvienība – Copyright and Communication Consulting Agency/Latvian Authors Association) brings together diverse authors who collectively implement the management of their economic rights, creating effective cooperation between authors and the users of their works in order to give users a convenient way to legally use copyrighted works and simplify the authors’ receipt of royalties. The society is a nongovernmental organization. Its operation is managed by a board elected by the authors themselves.
Latvian Energy Efficiency Association
LATEA Latvian Energy Efficiency Association (LATEA) is an independent and professional organization working in the energy efficiency, renewable energy and related sectors.
Latvian Peat Producers Association
Latvian Peat Producers Association is a public organization whose objectives are to promote Latvian peat production development, peat resource efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable use. The association as much as possible represents and defends professional and economic interests of its members and industry as a whole.
GS 1 Latvia, Society
GS1 Latvia is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization founded to introduce, develop and use the international GS1 identification system for products, assets, services and locations in Latvia. GS1 Latvia is one of the 111 GS1 Member Organization world-wide and is the only authorised source in Latvia to get a GS1 Bar Code Number. The GS1 identification numbers allocated to companies by GS1 Latvia begin with the prefix 475.We have more than 1500 members.
Latvian Association of Freight Forwarders and Logistics LAFF
We will gladly assist you to establish contacts with Latvian forwarders. Dear Carriers, Goods Senders and Consignee, Choosing partners for operations of goods delivery we recommend you to co-operate with the members of our Association LAFF - Freight Forwarders and the holders of Customs warehouses. We shall help you to solve the problems which occur during transportation and storage of goods as well as necessary qualified consultation.
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
Since its foundation NLCC has (co-)organised numerous social and commercial events, and helped various companies to build up or expand their Dutch-Latvian activities. Although NLCC focuses on commercial activities, it has not neglected cultural and educational institutions. Each year, NLCC’s educational unit HESC, for instance, helps Latvian students to find their way to Dutch institutions of higher education.
Nordic Council Of Ministers' Office in Latvia
Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Secretariat in Copenhagen assigned to facilitate cooperation between the Nordic countries and Latvia. The NCM Office in Latvia collaborates with public institutions, NGOs and Nordic diplomatic representations in Latvia to implement common Nordic initiatives. NCM Office in Latvia promotes and is engaged in projects related to Nordic countries and conducts broad cooperation between the Nordic countries and Baltic states. The Office also acts as a project administrator, including the Nordic–EU projects or joint Nordic–Baltic projects, and is responsible for practical casework and quality assurance.
Estonian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
Estonian Business Chamber is the first association of Estonian companies and enterpreneurs abroad.
Latvian National Association of Sworn Experts of the Overland Vehicles
Latvia's National Association of Sworn Experts of the Overland Vehicles (STZELNA) was founded on October 16, 2001.
Latvian Roads' Builders, association
Latvian road construction professional uniting non-governmental public organization "Latvian Road Builder" was created in order to represent the interests of road construction companies regarding issues important for them in rapidly changing market conditions and in cooperation with state and local authorities to address issues affecting the sector.
Latvian Artists Association
Artists’ Union of Latvia (AUL) is the legal successor of belongings, rights and liabilities of in 1941 founded Latvian SSR Artists' Union and Latvian SSR Artists Union Art Fund, as well as public organizations Latvian Artists' Union. LMS is a professional creative organization in the field of visual arts.
"Latvian Green Belt" Ltd
„Latvian Green Belt” Ltd aim is to create a society in which the businessman is responsible and takes care of his created waste packaging, environmentally harmful products, electrical and electronic equipment collection and recycling, while members of the public are educated and motivated to sort the waste, to throw them in designated locations, as well as treat economically to natural resources as a whole.
Latvian Association of Wood Processing Companies and Exporters
Latvian Association of Wood Processing Companies and Exporters unites about 70 companies that operates in wood processing sphere starting from timber preparation and sawn timber production, ending with timber recycling in furniture components, furniture, construction components and finished houses, as well as wood product trade. Companies participates in the work of association, both directly and merging into regional groups, which are represented in the Latvian Forest Industry Federation. Through these institutions are represented members' interests in state institutions and international organizations.
Latvian Electroenergetics and Energobuilders Association
Latvian Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors (LAPEEC) objectives are to unite its members in order to promote a comprehensive Latvian power engineering and energy construction development in accordance with the latest world's standards and uniform technical policy. To ensure successful functioning of their members in power engineering and energy construction sector in the labor market and to protect their material and moral interests. To protect LAPEEC members from unfair competition, promote the work of LAPEEC members and raise its prestige.
Latvian Tax Consultant Association
The Latvian Tax Consultant Association is an association established on 26 January 2001 for the purpose of monitoring the work of professional tax consultants and developing a code of professional ethics for tax consultants, as well as other documents regulating the professional activity of the Association members.
Building Materials Manufacturers Association
Association of Building Materials Manufacturers unites building materials manufacturers in Latvia in order to promote state support for the industry, both in local and export markets, to promote the use of local materials in construction and to establish uniform construction quality standards, strengthening reputation of building materials produced in Latvia. "Our goal is to provide a stable and coordinated development of building material production industry, as it is both export capable and is able to compete and replace import products in the local market," says CEO of Association of Building Materials Manufacturers Leonīds Jākobsons. Association of Building Materials Manufacturers was founded on February 19, 2010.
Association of Latvian Window and Door Manufacturers
The aim of the association is to co-ordinate and to ensure the representation of the interests of window and door manufacturing industry in Latvian economy.
Latvian Bakers Association
Latvian Bakers association is the only voluntary professional organization in Latvia that unites the interests of bakery industry development and joint cooperation in bread manufacturer interest protection and representation. Latvian Bakers association member produced bakery product amount makes about 90% of all produced bakery amount in Latvia.
Latvian Union of Scientists
On July 3, 1990 the Council of Ministers made a decision of founding the Latvian Council of Science (LCS). Professor Elmārs Grēns was elected the first Chairman of the LCS. It must be emphasised that the members of the Council are elected by ballot by all scientists (persons holding a doctoral degree) of Latvia. On July 12-17, 1991, the 1st World Congress of Latvian Scientists was held in Riga. Its organisers were the Union and organisations of Latvian scientists living abroad.
Latvian Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Traders
Society "Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Traders" unites 26 Latvian machinery manufacturers and traders and its main objectives are agricultural machinery manufacturer and trader interests defending, agricultural material technical supply and service quality improvements- in the Republic of Latvia.
Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia
Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia is a voluntary public non-profit organization founded at 1994 as informative and consultative center for specified industrial sector joining more than 150 companies today. The goal of Association’s activities is to promote the development of the metalworking sector, mutual cooperation and professional growth of the specialists in the sector. Members of the association account for more than 80% of the total output produced by Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking sector in Latvia.
Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association
The Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association - LIKTA - is a professional association, founded in 1998, that regroups over 80 important ICTE product and service providers and educational institutions, as well as about 100 individual professional members of the ICTE industry sector in Latvia, namely in computer hardware and software, electronics, and telecommunications infrastructure and service providers. LIKTA is a non-governmental, democratic organisation, respecting and balancing the rights of its corporate members and its individual members. All decisions are consensus based.
Latvian Association of Heat Enterprises
Latvian District Heating Association is a public professional organization that unites centralized district heating companies, heating equipment manufacturers, consultant and assembly companies, heating equipment and devices suppliers, as well as individual members. The association was founded on July 26, 1993.
Latvian Association of Refrigeration Engineers
We are Latvian Association of Refrigeration Engineers that has already been working since October 22, 1998 and acts as a public organization, registered in the Register of Enterprises. Association was founded by 10 refrigeration companies. Latvian Association of Refrigeration Engineers is the only such profile public organization in Latvia. The association brings together the brightest and most experienced Latvian refrigeration equipment specialists. LARE has grown rapidly and now in association are included 105 firms.
Latvian Association of Engineering Consultants
Latvian Association of Engineering Consultants - LIKA - was founded in the fall of 2003, and it unites engineers that are related to construction and can provide consultations during construction process and can be by your side from the moment of the birth of an idea of a new building until its key is presented to the client and later, when the building is managed.
Society for Promotion of Latvian-Belarusian Economic Relations
The Association is a catalyst for those who make up the mutual business Latvian and Belarus.
Latvian Automotive Spare Parts Importers Association
Association of Importers of Spare Parts of Latvia aim is to unite importers of spare parts of Latvia for active social activities, to organize and to stabilize the Latvian spare parts market, to promote qualitative spare parts trade, as well as to represent their member and industry interests.
Latvian Competition Council
Competition Council goal is to provide an opportunity for each market participant to carry out economic activities in free and fair competition conditions, as well as to promote competition development in all sectors of the economy in the public interests.
Latvian Railwayman Society
Latvian Railway (LDz) Concern is one of the biggest in the state, employing more than 11 600 people. LDz is the biggest payer of social and resident income taxes to state budget, besides, its economic activities make contribution to the whole state economics.
European Regional Development Association
Eiropas reģionālā attīstības biedrība (ERAB) ir dibināta 2005.gada 10.augustā, kuras veidošanā aktīvi piedalījušās vairākās reģionālās pašvaldības. Šo pašvaldību mērķis ir piedaloties biedrībā, veicināt savstarpēju informācijas apmaiņu, radīt iespēju efektīvi izmantot ES struktūrfondu līdzekļus un piesaistīt investorus dažādu pašvaldības un komercprojektu realizācijai.
Latvian Association of Dentists
Latvian Dental Association tasks and methods of working - uniting of dentists practicing in Latvia; professional policy development in specialty; caring for its members' professional training, organizing and participating in dentist postgraduate training; organization and implementation of further education programs in Latvia or abroad; development of certification standard requirements in your specialty, participation in certification and re-certification according to laws and regulations; organization of its member legal defence, as well as liability applying in case of lack of professional competence, deontological violations and other cases; involvement in international professional association activities; its member involvement in mutual contacts with colleagues in other countries.
Latvian Security Business Association
Public organization ''Latvian Security Business Association'' (unified registration No. 40008029305) (hereinafter called - LDBA) was founded on June 26, 1997, on the base of established SO "Security Companies Association", which is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Latvia, which unites close to thirty security, in detective and security sphere working companies and firms, develops and implements a joint action program, represents and protects members' rights and interests in the state, self-government and other institutions, including international organizations.
British Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
Support trade and investment between Latvia and Great Britain. Provide platform to knowledgeable and influential business and social contacts for all our members. Enable direct access to business and governmental decision takers.
Latvian Seed Producers' Association
In order to defend the interests of seed producers, to unite them to reach common goals, and to inform other farmers and other interested persons about Association member offered seeds and planting material, on November 3, 1998, by agreement between ten legal entities - selection stations and seed production companies, a public organization was established (from 2007 - association) - Latvian Seed Producers' Association (LSA).
Association of Latvian Worm Breeders
Association of Latvian Worm Breeders was founded on September 1, 2010, its founders are worm breeding enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. It was founded with a goal to develop worm breeding and micro-compost production in Latvia. Association aim is to unite and train worm growers and develop worm breeding in all Latvian regions.
Latvian Council of Sworn Notaries
Tasks of the Board; to protect the honour and dignity of sworn notary trade; to have a knowledge of board organizational matters, to develop and approve rules that affect the board and executive apparatus inner activities; to represent the board and express sworn notary opinion in relations with state and local authorities, other institutions and officials as well as in relations with international organizations, etc.
Latvian Insurers Association
Latvian Insurers Association (LIA) is a society, which was founded on 12 August, 1993, by joint stock insurance companies registered in the Republic of Latvia. LIA represents the common interests of the insurance industry of Latvia. The association discusses issues that are relevant to the insurers, as well as informs the society about topics significant for the clients.
Latvian Union of Timber Quality Experts
Latvian Union of Timber Quality Experts (LKKES) was founded on January 7, 1994, as a public organization. The main goal: to conduct timber quantitative survey and quality assessment for domestic needs as well as to provide assistance for individuals and legal entities in conflict situation assessment.
AIESEC Latvia, International Student Exchange Organization
AIESEC is the world's largest international youth run organization. AIESEC has representative offices in 107 countries, the organization has 54 000 members and is supported by 5 000 partners. In Latvia AIESEC has been working for 16 years with representative offices in Riga and Valmiera.
Latvian Generic Medicines Association
Latvian National Association for Consumer Protection (LPIAA) is a non-profit non-governmental organization that was founded in March, 1999 when already existing Latvian non-governmental consumer organizations united to develop non-governmental consumer movement and to coordinate consumer protection public organization network in Latvia. The association organizes educational seminars, training and discussions in Riga and Latvian regions, presenting the public with consumer rights and consumer protection legislation. LPIAA includes ten consumer protection non-governmental organizations - independent legal entities, which mainly deal with consumer complaints, project implementation and participation in legislation.
Latvian Association of Beer Producers
Aims of Latvian Association of Beer Producers is to unite Latvian breweries and their activity supporting legal persons for joint action; alcohol consumption structure changing in favor of soft-alcoholic beverages, mostly beer; to promote all types of quality system implementation and compliance with requirements in the brewing industry, qualitative beer, malt, malting barley production in Latvia.
German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce
German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK) for already 15 years - first as German national economy representation office - actively supports external economic relations between Germany and the Baltic countries. AHK has offices in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius, and number of chamber members is approaching 400. Chamber's 26 employees have extensive knowledge of relevant country's markets and industries, as well as many years of experience and competence in business interest representation in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania.
Latvian Association of Independent Experts
Latvian Association of Independent Experts (LNEA) carries out expertise and research in various scientific, technical, arts and crafts areas. LNEA is established in August 12,1996
Latvian Council of Science
Latvian Council of Science (LCS) was founded according to a decision of the Council of Ministers, Republic of Latvia in July, 1990. In accordance with the Law on Scientific Activity, the Latvian Council of Science is a collegiate institution of the scientists with the rights of a legal entity. The Council's tasks include advancement, evaluation, financing and coordination of scientific research in Latvia. The Latvian Council of Science prepares, jointly with the Ministry of Education and Research of Latvia, the draft of the state’s science budget for the next year, elaborates draft decisions and drafts of laws aimed at the development and organization of science in Latvia. The Latvian Council of Science distributes funding earmarked for projects among the branch commissions of different fields of science.
Latvian Association of Packaging Enterprises
Latvian Packaging Association is an association in which have united Latvian businessmen - packaging manufacturers, traders, users, experts - legal and natural persons. Association was founded on June 15, 1995. Currently, its members are 22 companies and 2 honorary members that support Association's aims and activities, as well as accepts Association Articles of Incorporation. Representing members' common interests, to ensure development of packaging industry, introduction of advanced packaging technologies, creation of rational waste packaging management system in the country, targeted communication in relationships with legislators, consumers, public, as well as with each other.
American Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
The American Chamber of Commerce in Latvia (AmCham) was established in March, 1993 by 27 American investors. The Chamber is a 100% private entity. It receives no funding from the US government, and although it cooperates closely with the US Embassy on many issues, it is not affiliated with the government.
Latvian Transit Business Association
Latvian Transit Business Association (LTBA) offers to businessmen, organizations and institutions: to represent the interests of the members on behalf of the Association, as LTBA is a powerful political force, to which the public body listens, which is taken into account and respected; to identify problems and possible business interests invasions in each member's business commercial interests field, to take active participation for successful solution in both Latvian and European Union level.